Uganda National Liberation Front

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The Uganda National Liberation Front (UNLF) (German roughly: "National Liberation Front Uganda") was a political group founded by Ugandan exiles. It was founded as an opposition to Idi Amin's reign of terror over Uganda with the aim of disempowering it. The group had a military wing, the Uganda National Liberation Army (UNLA) (German about: "National Liberation Army of Uganda"). The UNLA fought alongside Tanzania in the Uganda-Tanzania war that led to the overthrow of Idi Amin's regime. The group ruled Uganda after the fall of Idi Amin in April 1979 until the controversial parliamentary elections in December 1980.


The UNLF was founded as a result of a meeting of Ugandan exiles from March 24th to 26th, 1979 in the northern Tanzanian city ​​of Moshi on Kilimanjaro . Twenty-eight groups were represented at the meeting that came to be known as the Moshi Conference . Among the groups that made up the UNLA were Kikosi Maalum led by Milton Obote (with Tito Okello and David Oyite Ojok as commanders); FRONASA led by Yoweri Museveni ; the Save Uganda Movement led by Akena p'Ojok , William Omaria and Ateker Ejalu; and the Uganda Freedom Union with Godfrey Binaisa , Andrew Kayiira and Olara Otunnu in leading positions.


UNLF was ruled by an 11-member Executive Council, originally chaired by Yusuf Lule. The Executive Council was accompanied by a National Consultative Council (NCC) with one member for each of the 28 groups. His military arm, UNLA, fought side by side with the Tanzanian army and in April 1979 Idi Amin's reign ended with the occupation of Kampala . This first fled to Libya .

Amine detachment

After the fall of Amin on April 11, 1979, a new government under Yusuf Lule (UNFL) was established. The UNLA was transformed into the new national army. The UNLF leadership was unstable, with power struggles that led to the overthrow of Lule in June 1979. His successor, Godfrey Binaisa , ruled less than twelve months before he was placed under house arrest in May 1980 following a coup. Paulo Muwanga became the new ruler . A presidential commission was installed with the elections scheduled for December 1980. The exiles who formed the UNLF had fallen out among themselves. Only their hostility to Amin had initially united them.

After a widely controversial victory for the Uganda People's Congress (UPC) formed in 1959 under the leadership of ex-President Milton Obote , many of the founding members of the UNLF left to fight against it. The National Resistance Army (NRA), led by Yoweri Museveni , a former member of the Executive Council and the UNLF, was one of them. The UNLA was defeated by the guerrillas on January 25, 1986 . There was then a conflict between the Acholi and Langi tribes. This led to a coup d'état that made Tito Okello President of the Republic.
