Ordinary Krausblattmoos

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Ordinary Krausblattmoos
Ulota crispa (h, 144647-474823) 3560.JPG

Common Krausblattmoos ( Ulota crispa )

Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Bryidae
Order : Orthotrichales
Family : Orthotrichaceae
Genre : Krausblattmoose ( Ulota )
Type : Ordinary Krausblattmoos
Scientific name
Ulota crispa
( Hedw. ) Brid.

The common Krausblattmoos ( Ulota crispa ) is a deciduous moss species from the Orthotrichaceae family .


The common Krausblattmoos is very similar in the characteristics and location requirements of the sister species Bruch's Krausblattmoos . It forms round, yellow-green cushions up to 2 centimeters in size. The ovoid base, linear-lanceolate, gradually pointed, about 3 millimeters long leaves are strongly curled when dry, more or less protruding when wet. At the edges of the leaf base there are several rows of rectangular, water-white cells. The lamina cells in the upper part of the leaf are papilose, rounded-oval and mostly 9 to 12 µm in size (somewhat smaller than in Bruch's Krausblattmoos ). Sporophytes are about 3 to 5.5 millimeters long (without lid), the capsule is young and moist, smooth and oval, later deeply grooved, slender, wide-mouthed and narrowed below the mouth. The peristome is double, the outer peristome teeth are dry knocked back. The moss is monoecious and has regular fruit. Spore ripening time is in spring and summer.


As an epiphyte, the common Krausblattmoos grows preferably on the bark of deciduous trees, more rarely on conifers, preferably in humid forests such as stream valleys, headwaters or moors, but also in light-rich forest edge locations. Common companion mosses are Orthotrichum species, Ulota bruchii , Frullania dilatata , Radula complanata or Hypnum cupressiforme . This species, which used to be common in the past, is sensitive to air pollution and has been severely decimated in some areas.


This type of moss is common in the northern hemisphere. In addition to Europe, it occurs in parts of Asia, on the Atlantic Islands, in North America, in North Africa. There is another occurrence in Tasmania.


The common Krausblattmoos was apart from the valid scientific name Ulota crispa (Hedw.) Brid. described under the following synonyms:

  • Orthotrichum crispum Hedw.
  • Ulota crispula Brid.
  • Ulota nicholsonii Culm.
  • Ulota ulophylla Broth.
  • Ulota intermedia chimp.
  • Ulota crispa var. Intermedia (Chimp.) Cardot


Web links

Commons : Ulota crispa  - album with pictures, videos and audio files