Ulrich Brunner

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Ulrich Brunner (born July 12, 1938 in Vienna ) is an Austrian journalist .


Brunner, who comes from a humble background, completed compulsory school, became a typesetter and passed the Matura in 1961 in the second educational path via the middle school for workers . Subsequently, he studied law as a student trainee at the University of Vienna , but had to give up his studies for family reasons after taking the first state examination. Professionally, Brunner worked as a proofreader for the Arbeiter-Zeitung and then switched to journalism. From 1967 to 1970 he was a reporter for the Viennese social democratic tabloid Neue Zeitung , from 1970 to 1975 he was domestic affairs editor for the Arbeiter-Zeitung.

Brunner switched to the current service of the ORF in 1975 as editor and was its director from 1979 to 1984. In 1984 he switched to radio as editor- in- chief . From 1990 until his retirement, Brunner was the director of the ORF regional studio in Burgenland. A guest comment by Brunner on the outcome of the Vienna municipal council elections in October 2010, in which he advocated a more restrictive immigration policy and an end to "multi-cultural illusions" in order to prevent the FPÖ from gaining popularity , was controversially discussed by Ingrid Thurner and Michael Amon.

The legendary debate with Kreisky

As head of the current service, Brunner reserved the right to conduct the interviews with Federal Chancellor Bruno Kreisky . On February 24, 1981, he aroused the chancellor's indignation. The ÖVP had consulted the then Federal President Rudolf Kirchschläger as an authority on a political issue, which Kreisky had vehemently rejected with a reference to the 1930s. When Brunner, a loyal Social Democrat, raised concerns about this somewhat bold comparison, Kreisky reprimanded him with the words: "Learn a bit of history, Mr. Reporter!" The sentence became a separate quotation .

Publications (selection)

  • Learn S 'story, Mr Reporter! Bruno Kreisky - Episodes of an Era , Ecowin, Elsbethen 2020, ISBN 978-3-7110-0263-1 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ulrich Brunner: All just fascists? About the end of the multicultural dream. In: DiePresse.com. October 11, 2010, accessed July 22, 2020 .
  2. Ingrid Thurner We do not need any Islamophobic public opinion. In: DiePresse.com . October 21, 2010.
  3. Michael Amon: When lower class hits lower class in construction. In: DiePresse.com . October 22, 2010.
  4. How the TV editor Ulrich Brunner found its way into contemporary history ( Memento from October 31, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) In: DiePresse.com . April 6, 2007.