Ulrich II. (Carinthia)

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Depiction of Ulrich II after his seal, around 1900

. Ulrich II (* about 1176; † 10. August 1202 ) from the nobility of the Spannheimer was 1181-1202 Herzog of Carinthia .

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Ulrich was the eldest son of Duke Hermann of Carinthia and Agnes, daughter of Duke Heinrich Jasomirgott of Austria .

Under the tutelage of his uncle, Duke Leopold V of Babenberg , he followed his father's death in 1181 as Duke of Carinthia . From 1186, when the last Duke of Traungau in Styria was gradually coming to an end, he was unable to assert any Spanheimer claims against his guardian as a ward . From 1194 Ulrich II ruled independently and, like his predecessors, was a Staufer supporter. In 1197 he took part in the crusade of Emperor Heinrich VI. to the Holy Land. In 1198/99 he became incapable of government due to illness .

His successor as regent or as duke after his death in 1202 was his younger brother Bernhard von Spanheim .


  • Friedrich Hausmann : The Counts of Ortenburg and their male ancestors, the Spanheimers in Carinthia, Saxony and Bavaria, as well as their subsidiary lines , published in: Ostbairische Grenzmarken - Passauer Jahrbuch für Geschichte, Kunst und Volkskunde, No. 36, Passau 1994 (p. 9 -62).
  • Eberhard Graf zu Ortenburg-Tambach: History of the imperial, ducal and counts' entire house of Ortenburg - Part 1: The ducal house in Carinthia. , Vilshofen 1931.


  1. In the Georgenberger Handfeste Leopold V was appointed heir to Styria ; Duke Otakar of Styria died in 1192.

Web links

Commons : Ulrich II of Sponheim  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Hermann Duke of Carinthia
Bernhard von Spanheim