Ulrich Neumann (filmmaker)

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Ulrich Neumann (* 1954 in Halberstadt ) is a German television journalist , filmmaker and author.


Neumann studied clinical psychology and in 1983 on the theme "For the psychophysiology of fear" to Dr. rer. nat. PhD. Neumann was part of the Arche green-ecological network in the 1980s . He successfully submitted an application to leave the country and co-founded the “Arche-West” group. His activities made him the focus of the Ministry for State Security .

Since 1988 he has worked as a writer and director for ARD and ZDF a . a. by subsidizing registration D . He mainly works for the television magazine Report Mainz ( SWR ). In 2015, a book on the NSU will be published together with Anton Maegerle .

Neumann lives near Berlin and has one child.


  • 1995: Grimme Prize with gold (team of authors)
  • 2007: 3rd Prize, German Business Film Prize for The Bauspar Trap - The Battle for Junk Real Estate
  • 2010: Anja Schüller Prize of the Anja Schüller Foundation for investigative journalism on the subject of scrap real estate (together with Thomas Öchsner and Hans-Peter Schütz)
  • 2013: Arthur Koestler Prize of the German Society for Human Dying for you bring death - assistants in Germany (together with Sebastian Bösel)


  • 1988: Bitteres from Bitterfeld (shot illegally in the GDR)
  • 2001: “Of course you can shoot!” On the 25th anniversary of the death of the terrorist Ulrike Meinhof
  • 2007: The building society trap - The fight for junk property
  • 2012: They bring death - euthanasia in Germany
  • 2013: Poor until the end of life - How bank customers are ripped off


  • Carlo Jordan , Hans Michael Kloth (Ed.): Arche Nova. Opposition in the GDR. The “Green-Ecological Network Arche” 1988–90. With the texts of the Arche Nova (= basic print document . D 17). Basis-Dr., Berlin 1995, ISBN 3-86163-069-9 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Laudatory speech by Edda Müller on the occasion of being awarded the Anja Schüller Prize, April 27, 2010.
  2. Ehrhart Neubert : History of the opposition in the GDR 1949–1989 (= research on GDR society ). 2nd edition, Links, Berlin 1998, ISBN 3-86153-163-1 , p. 751.
  3. a b Ehrhart Neubert : History of the Opposition in the GDR 1949–1989 (= research on GDR society ). 2nd edition, Links, Berlin 1998, ISBN 3-86153-163-1 , p. 752.
  4. Jump up Hans Michael Kloth: From “folding paper” to free voting. The democratization of the GDR in 1989/90 and the “election question” (= research on GDR society ). Links, Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-86153-212-3 , p. 118.
  5. Jump up Hans Michael Kloth: From “folding paper” to free voting. The democratization of the GDR in 1989/90 and the “election question” (= research on GDR society ). Links, Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-86153-212-3 , p. 274.
  6. The people behind the show , Report Mainz, accessed on December 20, 2014.
  7. ^ Award for Hans Peter Schütz . stern.de, April 27, 2010.
  8. Price for ARD documentary about assisted suicide , Report Mainz, November 11, 2013.
  9. “Of course you can shoot!” On the 25th anniversary of the death of the terrorist Ulrike Meinhof , Discovering Country Studies online, accessed on December 20, 2014.