Ulrich Pöschl

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Ulrich Pöschl

Ulrich "Uli" Pöschl (born October 9, 1969 in Klagenfurt ) is an Austrian chemist and geochemist. Since October 1, 2012, he has been director of the newly established Multiphase Chemistry Department at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz .


Ulrich Pöschl studied chemistry at the Graz University of Technology in Austria and received his doctorate in 1995 under Karl Hassler at the Institute for Inorganic Chemistry on the subject of "Synthesis, spectroscopy and structure of selectively functionalized cyclosilanes". From 1996 to 1997 he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Cambridge, USA in the group of Mario J. Molina in the field of atmospheric chemical reaction kinetics and mass spectrometry of sulfuric acid. In 1997, Pöschl joined the Atmospheric Chemistry department as a research assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, where Paul Crutzen's group carried out research on the photochemistry of ozone , organic trace gases and stratospheric clouds. From 1999 to 2005 he worked at the Institute for Water Chemistry at the Technical University of Munich , headed an independent junior research group and completed his habilitation in chemistry on the subject of "Carbonaceous Aerosol Composition, Reactivity and Water Interactions". In 2005 he returned to the MPI for Chemistry in Mainz and headed a research group in the Biogeochemistry Department until 2012. Since 2007 Pöschl has also taught in the Department of Chemistry, Pharmacy and Geosciences at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and completed his habilitation in geochemistry in 2007. Pöschl is married and has one child.


In Earth system and climate research, the department focuses on the investigation of biological and organic aerosols, aerosol-cloud interactions and atmosphere-surface exchange processes. In the field of life and health sciences, researchers are investigating how protein macromolecules change due to air pollutants and how this affects allergic reactions and diseases. The course of multiphase processes at the molecular level and its effects on the macroscopic and global scale are examined. The challenge lies in bridging various spatial and temporal scales: from tenths of a nanometer to thousands of kilometers and from nanoseconds to years.

Pöschl is the initiator and chief editor of the interactive open access journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP), which was founded in 2001 as the world's first scientific journal with public review and discussion and has developed into one of the largest journals in the environmental and geosciences . In addition, he was Chairman of the Publications Committee (2009–2014) and Division President of Atmospheric Sciences (2003–2007) on the Council of the European Geosciences Union (EGU). He is an initiator and co-chair of the international Open Access initiative OA2020.


  • 1991–1994: Student and research scholarships of the Technical University of Graz, the Pro Scientia Foundation, and the Austrian Science Foundation
  • 1996: Graduation “Sub Auspiciis Praesidentis” by the Austrian Federal President (highest award in the Austrian educational system)
  • 1996: Research Awards of the Austrian Federal Minister of Arts and Science, the Industrial Union of Carinthia and the Josef Krainer Foundation
  • 1996: Schrödinger Scholarship of the Austrian Science Foundation
  • 2000: Young Scientist Award of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
  • 2005: Union Service Award from the EGU
  • 2012: Pius XI gold medal of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences for his contributions to the role of chemistry in atmospheric, climate and health research.
  • 2015: Copernicus Medal from the Copernicus Society

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ EGU - Previous Union Officers , accessed November 16, 2017
  2. OA2020
  3. EGU Union Service Award
  4. ^ Pius XI Gold Medal Booklet ( Memento from November 14, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  5. idw Informationsdienst Wissenschaft, press release from 7/11/2012 , accessed on 7 November 2012
  6. ^ Susanne Benner: Copernicus Medal for Ulrich Pöschl. Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, press release from April 14, 2015 from the Science Information Service (idw-online.de), accessed on April 14, 2015.