Ulrich Black

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Ulrich Schwarze (born October 2, 1940 in Halle an der Saale ) is a German revisionist amateur historian and former lawyer.


In 1947, Schwarze fled the Soviet occupation zone with his mother and four siblings to the American one. From 1960 to 1968 he studied law and political science and completed the legal clerkship in Münster .

From 1970 he was a judge, from 1983 presiding judge at the regional court in Bochum and chairman of a large criminal chamber for commercial criminal matters. From 1991 to 1995 he was seconded to the Potsdam District Court. He took over the chairmanship of the cassation and rehabilitation senates and chambers and was involved in the commentary on the rehabilitation law ("Potsdam Commentary"). Back at the Bochum regional court in 1995 he became chairman of a juvenile criminal chamber. Early retirement took place in 1998.

His four-volume work "The Germans and their State" was published in 2013 by the right-wing Tübingen Hohenrain Verlag . In it he accused, among other things, the "established historiography of the subjugated" of having "brazenly falsified and expoundedly presented German war guilt." "Germany's political class including its media transmission staff" remain "under the unwritten constitution of eternal guilt, atonement and submission". He criticizes “state doctrinal ties to the West” and “submissive attitude towards political, economic, military and cultural US imperialism”; whose “primitive-hedonistic mass culture” floods, overgrows and suffocates the “souls of the peoples”.

Individual evidence

  1. Ulrich Schwarze: The art of the possible, 800–1871. From the empire without power to the small German solution , Tübingen 2013, p. 15.
  2. Ulrich Schwarze: The art of the possible, 800–1871. From the empire without power to the small German solution , Tübingen 2013, p. 11.
  3. Ulrich Schwarze: The art of the possible, 800–1871. From the empire without power to the small German solution , Tübingen 2013, p. 13.

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