Ulrich Weber (legal scholar)

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Ulrich Weber (born September 18, 1934 in Bad Cannstatt ; † December 23, 2013 ) was a German legal scholar .

Ulrich Weber was a student of Jürgen Baumann . In 1962, with his work The application of the regulations on rights to land to the reservation at the University of Tübingen, he was awarded a Dr. jur. PhD, followed in 1975 there also the habilitation with the thesis The criminal law protection of copyright. Taking into account the existing civil protection options . In 1976 he accepted a position at the Free University of Berlin , in 1980 he moved to the University of Würzburg as the successor to Walter Sax . From 1989 until his retirement in 2000 he held the chair for criminal law and criminal procedure law at the University of Tübingen.

Publications (selection)


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