Environment award from the Labor and Environment Foundation

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The Labor and Environment Foundation has been awarding the Environment Prize of the Labor and Environment Foundation at irregular intervals since 1993. It is endowed with a total of 25,000 € and honors special achievements in the field of work and the environment. The foundation's advisory board defines a new topic and new target groups for each call. The evaluation is carried out by an independently composed jury of experts. Sometimes there is a special price for applicants from a region. Mostly this is a federal state that also provides the prize money for this special prize. Companies, administrations and institutions of all industries and sizes with 20 or more employees based in Germany can apply.

Topics and award winners

  • In 1993 the foundation awarded prizes for scientific work on the subject of participation in life cycle assessments. The Bavarian Institute for Waste Research received the first prize . The second prize went to Rainer Grießhammer from the Öko-Institut Freiburg e. V. for his work "On the integration of socio-economic aspects in substance management and in product line analyzes".
  • In 1994 the prize was awarded to schoolchildren who did their own work in the field of waste avoidance and traffic calming. The environmental group of the Schillerschule in Hanover received the first prize for the contribution "Get the feeling of the red Milan". The second prize went to the Fachschule für Sozialpädagogik from Karlsruhe for the contribution “The highest mountain in the world is the garbage mountain”, the third prize to the video group of the Pröbenweg special needs school for their video “Alles Müll”.
  • In 1995 journalists were honored for their contributions to imparting background knowledge on questions of environmental protection. Prize winners were Dr. Fritz Vorholz from the weekly newspaper Die Zeit , Volker Angres from ZDF and Gideon Heimann from Tagesspiegel .
  • In 1996, the award went to small and medium-sized companies for their participation of employees and lobbying in the introduction of eco-audits . The first prize was awarded to the Schülke & Mayr company . The second prize went to the Elida Fabergè company . The Bauer publishing group received third prize.
  • In 1997 the award was given to local politicians who have made a special contribution to the future of work in their sphere of influence. The main prize went to Fritz Heiser, alderman for the city of Ludwigshafen am Rhein . Ms. Beate Weber , Lord Mayor of Heidelberg , Ms. Regina Schneider , City Councilor of Wolfen and Lothar Englert , member of the Brandenburg State Parliament , received special prizes .
  • In 1998, the prize went to works council members of industrial companies who had succeeded in organizing the active participation of interest groups and / or employees in the environmental management of their company and who were committed to safeguarding jobs and protecting health. The works councils of Samvardhana Motherson Peguform received the first prize . The works councils of the Schachtbau Nordhausen company received second prize. The third prize went to the general works council and the works council of the main administration of Deutsche Steinkohle AG region Saar.
  • In 2000 the environmental prize on the subject of “Responsible Care” was awarded. It went in equal parts to CWS Lackfabrik GmbH & Co. KG in Düren and DOW Buna Sow Leuna Olefinverbund GmbH , Merseburg. The Chemistry Advisory Board of the Ministry for the Environment and Forests of Rhineland-Palatinate received a third prize.
  • In 2002 the topic was "Examples of sustainable industrial and commercial architecture including the landscape and an employee-friendly design of workplaces and the working environment". The first prize went to SurTec - chemical factory as a passive house from Zwingenberg , the second prize to the project “ BE-SiNNTE ARCHITEKTUR - from the industrial wasteland to the culture workshop” in Wennigsen (Deister) .
  • In 2007, the award went to Bionade GmbH for its regional cooperation project with neighboring farmers under the title "Young companies promote sustainability" : organically grown products from the region are used to strengthen local agriculture and the transport routes for the raw materials required to be kept as low as possible.
  • For 2010, the prize will be awarded at the beginning of November 2010 for “successful measures to increase energy efficiency with employee participation”. The decisive condition is that the measures, which can relate to production processes or services, are carried out with the involvement of the employees and make a practical contribution to environmental protection and sustainable development.

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