Independent Moscow University

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The Independent University of Moscow (IUM, Russian: Независимый Московский Университет , НМУ) is a private university founded in Moscow in 1991 for training in higher mathematics and also a mathematical research institute. It was founded by leading mathematicians in Moscow who believed that after 20 years of negative political influence, the once highly regarded "Mech-Math" faculty at Lomonosov University could not be reformed. The university is located in the center of Moscow not far from the Arbat (Bolshoi Vlasjewski pereulok 11).

The initiative for the establishment came from Nikolai Konstantinow, a well-known Moscow organizer of unofficial mathematical competitions ( Olympiads ) and mathematics circles. The founders included the academy members Vladimir Arnold (who at the same time headed the university's governing council for a long time), Faddejew , Sergei Novikow , Viktor Wassiljew , Sinai and Professors Alexander Beilinson , Dobruschin , Dubrowin , Alexander Kirillow , Alexei Nikolayewitsch Rudakow (* 1947), Vladimir Michailowitsch Tichomirow , Askold Georgijewitsch Chowanski , Michail Alexandrowitsch Schubin (Shubin). The Russian mathematicians Alexei Sossinski and from abroad Pierre Deligne and Robert MacPherson were also involved . The organization behind the university is the MCCME (Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education).

The IMU sees itself as an elite university and research center and has strict admission criteria. The number of students is 40 to 50 undergraduate students and 10 to 15 diploma students and 4 to 5 graduates annually. Students who have passed the admission (with three exams) do not pay tuition fees, but receive a scholarship. Most of the students also study at a state university such as Lomonosov University, which is why classes take place in the evenings. The diploma is not officially recognized in Russia, but is accepted by doctoral programs at leading universities and institutes such as the Steklow Institute , the Weizmann Institute and Harvard University .

The first (eight) diplomas were awarded in 1996, but the university is also a training facility for mathematicians who have already been trained. You value contacts abroad, for example with a Math in Moscow (MIM) study program for North American students or in cooperation with France, in particular with the École normal supérieure (which, as an elite university, was one of the role models of the founders) and with a Poncelet- Laboratory (named after Jean-Victor Poncelet , who developed projective geometry as a Napoleonic officer in Russian captivity).

The teachers include (permanently or temporarily) in addition to the already mentioned Sossinsky and Wassiljew: Boris Feigin , Sabir Gusein-Zade , Juli Iljaschenko (Yulij Ilyashenko), Michail Zfasman , Sergei Lando , Igor Kritschewer , Stefan Nemirowski , Wiktor Prasolow , Alexander Schen , EB Vinberg , Dmitri Anossow , Maxim Kasarjan , Sergei Natanzon , Alexander Kuznetsov , Alexander Belavin .

They publish book series and the lectures of their general seminar (Globus Seminar), have published the Moscow Mathematics Journal (in English) since 2001 and organize competitions for young mathematicians (Deligne, Möbius, Dynasty and Dobrushin competitions).

The IMU also cooperates with the Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow, where a mathematics faculty was set up with professors from the IMU.

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Individual evidence

  1. Up to the beginning of 2010 a total of 58. Data from 2010, EMS Newsletter
  2. Two volumes of seminars have been published in English translation by Cambridge University Press. The seminar speakers include Jean-Pierre Serre , Deligne, Stephen Smale , S. Nowikow, Sinai, Yuri Manin , Laurent Lafforgue , Maxim Lwowitsch Konzewitsch , Beilinson, Anatole Katok , Andrei Okunkow (winner of the Fields Medal and former IMU student ), Pierre Cartier
  3. 2004 donated by Deligne with funds from his Balzan Prize. The winner will receive a three-year scholarship.
  4. named after the charity organization of the businessman DB Zimin, who is also one of the university's financiers