Une petite fille dans les tournesols

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German title A little girl in the sunflowers
Original title Une petite fille dans les tournesols
Country of production France
original language French
Publishing year 1984
Director Bernard Férié
script Bernard Férié
music Christian Maire
camera André Zarra
cut Alain Kippeurt
  • Claude Jade : Marelle
  • Bernard Rousselet : Bookseller
  • Bruno Pradal : Daniel
  • Isabelle Cagnat: the little girl
  • Monique Mélinand: the farmer's wife
  • Maud Rayer: Françoise, Marelle's colleague
  • Eric Cavanhac: Daniel as a teenager

Une petite fille dans les tournesols (A Little Girl in the Sunflowers) is a 1984 French film directed by Bernard Férié


The young teacher Marelle has been mourning her husband Daniel, who has mysteriously disappeared, for three years. She no longer sees a future or a present. Then she discovers that he is said to have made a secret pilgrimage to the place of his childhood. So she takes a trip to the Gers near the Pyrenees. Strange events like the encounter with a mysterious antiquarian in a bookstore and an elderly peasant woman open up a secret world for her. Like Eurydice , who is supposed to save Orpheus from the realm of the dead, she goes into a crypt. Because twenty years ago a little girl died there that Daniel once wanted to marry. And there, in a cave, Marelle meets the dead ...


Fascinated by the mythical rites in the Gers, Bernard Férie wrote the story of coping with grief. The drama about a young woman who tries to come to terms with the loss of her husband thus becomes a fable, a fairy tale. Claude Jade, who drives a Renault 5 on country roads and dirt roads in the film, did not have a driver's license.


The film received the Prix des Auteurs and the Prix des Nouveaux Talents Télévision de la SACD in 1985

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