Osnabrück University Library

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Osnabrück University Library
Old coin 16, Osnabrück.jpg
Library headquarters; Departmental library B

founding 1974
Duration 1.6 million
Library type University library
place Osnabrück
Visitor address Alte Münze 16 / Kamp (library headquarters; departmental library B)
Große Rosenstraße 20 / Seminarstraße 33 (departmental library G)
Heger-Tor-Wall 14 (departmental library J / W)
Nelson-Mandela-Platz 1 (departmental library N)
management Felicitas Hundhausen
Website www.ub.uni-osnabrueck.de

The Osnabrück University Library ( UB Osnabrück for short ) is the central facility for providing information to the University of Osnabrück . In four departmental and two smaller research libraries it has a stock of 1.6 million books and other media for the local supply of university teaching, study and research with scientific literature . Furthermore, their inventory is also available to guests of the university as well as external users from other educational institutions and the public.


When the Osnabrück University of Education was re-established as a university in 1974, the university library also emerged from the library of that university and initially took over the holdings of its predecessor institution. The first library director was Simon Wallach , who had previously worked in the Regensburg University Library . Under his leadership, the conception of a scientific library with a substantial stock in an open access list was realized as in other newly founded university libraries. His successor was Eilhard Cordes in 1974, who was replaced in 2003 by today's director Felicitas Hundhausen.

In the mid-1980s, the building, which is now used as library headquarters and departmental library B, was erected on the Alte Münze / Kamp and connected to the building of the state school for the deaf , which had previously been provisionally used as a university library . With this extension, the library experienced an expansion, which became necessary after ten years for reasons of space, in order to be able to accommodate several reading rooms and larger storage stocks. In 2008, the joint research library of the Institute for Cultural History of the Early Modern Age (IKFN) and the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) and the research library of the European Legal Studies Institute (ELSI) moved into. The last structural expansion of the university library was made in the years 2013 to 2015 with the construction of a new building on the Westerberg campus, in which the departmental library N is housed together with the central library of the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences .


Originally based in Osnabrück Castle
AVZ building on Westerberg

The original rooms in the palace wing were insufficient, so a building on Heinrichstrasse was rented first. In addition, an additional location was set up for the natural sciences in what was then the AVZ building on Westerberg .

The university library is now located at several locations in the city of Osnabrück , whereby, analogous to the location of the university buildings, primarily the city center and the Westerberg campus are to be mentioned. Four departmental libraries and two research libraries (as special locations) are maintained, the thematic focus of which is based on the specialist areas in the vicinity. Nonetheless, specialist literature is sometimes also set up at "non-specialist" locations.

European Legal Studies Institute (ELSI) of the University of Osnabrück with its research library

The two research libraries are exclusively reference libraries , the literature of which is closely linked to the research work of the respective institutes. The individual institute libraries are mostly small locations, which are looked after by institute employees and student assistants in the respective subject.

Departmental library N on the Westerberg campus




Since the university library was only founded in the 1970s and its predecessor facility has not received a large amount of old prints, it does not have a historically “grown” book inventory. Older literature is now available to a limited extent through the acquisition of private library bequests and in the form of various special collections (e.g. the Ius commune library with approx. 1600 titles from the 13th to 16th centuries).

The library has a total of around 1,645,000 decentralized media units, of which 24,000 books are publicly accessible in the reading rooms . In addition, 2,265 print journals with regular subscription are made available and licenses for almost 30,000 electronic journals are held.

Web links

Commons : Osnabrück University Library  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ History . www.ub.uni-osnabrueck.de, last accessed: September 10, 2017
  2. Numbers, data, facts . At www.ub.uni-osnabrueck.de, last accessed on September 10, 2017