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The urolithines are a group of natural phenols that are formed when ellagic acid and ellagitannins are broken down in the digestive tract . Chemically, the urolithines can be described as hydroxylated benzopyran-6-ones .

Sequence of urolithines in the breakdown of ellagitannin
Structural formula Urolithin A.svg Urolithin B.svg Urolithin C.svg Urolithin D.svg Urolithin M5.svg Urolithin M6.svg Urolithin M7.svg Isourolithin A.svg Isourolithin B.svg
Surname Urolithin A Urolithin B Urolithin C Urolithin D Urolithin M5 Urolithine M6 Urolithin M7 Isourolithin A Isourolithin B
CAS number 143-70-0 1139-83-9 165393-06-6 131086-98-1 91485-02-8 1006683-97-1 531512-26-2 174023-48-4 855255-55-9
Molecular formula C 13 H 8 O 4 C 13 H 8 O 3 C 13 H 8 O 5 C 13 H 8 O 6 C 13 H 8 O 7 C 13 H 8 O 6 C 13 H 8 O 5 C 13 H 8 O 4 C 13 H 8 O 3
Molar mass 228.20 212.20 244.20 260.20 276.20 260.20 244.20 228.20 212.20


Urolithines are not very common in nature. They usually come from plants rich in ellagitannin, such as B. the tamarisk Tamarix nilotica , the pomegranate and in Mumijo .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Entry on Urolithine. In: Römpp Online . Georg Thieme Verlag, accessed on May 28, 2015.
  2. Juan Carlos Espín, Mar Larrosa, María Teresa García-Conesa, Francisco Tomás-Barberán: Biological Significance of Urolithins, the Gut Microbial Ellagic Acid-Derived Metabolites: The Evidence So Far . In: Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine . No. 270418 , 2013, p. 1–15 , doi : 10.1155 / 2013/270418 (English, PDF ).