Ursula Magdalena Reinheimer

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Landscape from the Sauerland , painting by Ursula Magdalena Reinheimer from 1802

Ursula Magdalena Reinheimer b. Prestel (born November 27, 1777 in Nuremberg , † 1845 in Brussels ) was a German painter .

Ursula Magdalena Prestel was the daughter of the artist couple, the engraver and painter Johann Gottlieb Prestel (1739–1808) and the pastel and watercolor painter , engraver and etcher Maria Katharina Prestel , née. Höll (1747–1794) born.

Like her three brothers, she received her first painting lessons from her parents very early.

At the age of six, she moved with her father to Frankfurt in 1783, where her mother, Maria Katharina, had established contacts with art dealers and artists a year earlier.

In 1786 Maria Katharina Prestel came to London to set up a graphic company as a painter and reproduction artist. Since 1789 Ursula lived with her youngest brother Michael Gottlieb Prestel (1779-1815) with their mother in London. Her father and her two brothers stayed in Frankfurt. After her mother's death in 1794, Ursula Magdalena returned to her father's workshop in Frankfurt, where she mainly dealt with the production of reproduction graphics.

From 1797, she traveled with her father and her father's pupil Anton Radl frequently to Söder Castle in the Hildesheim district , where they copied paintings from his collection on behalf of Baron Friedrich Moritz von Brabeck .

In 1805 Ursula Magdalena Prestel married her father's pupil, the engraver and later art dealer Johann Georg Reinheimer (1777-1820).

After her marriage, she published some joint works with her husband and created other portraits, vedute and landscape paintings herself.

With her friend Susanne Elisabeth Bethmann-Hollweg (1763–1831), daughter of Johann Philipp Bethmann , she undertook a trip to France and Switzerland in 1810 .

Widowed in 1820, she remained artistically active. From 1823 until the end of the 1830s, Ursula Magdalena Reinheimer taught at the Berchtschen Drawing Institute, a private girls' school.

She died in Brussels in 1845 while visiting her son who was living there.

Web links

Commons : Ursula Magdalena Reinheimer  - Collection of images, videos and audio files