Väinö Siikaniemi

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Urho Peltonen , Julius Saaristo and Väinö Siikaniemi in the 1912 Olympic Games .

Väinö Villiam Siikaniemi (born Siegberg ; born March 27, 1887 in Hollola , † August 24, 1932 in Helsinki ) was a Finnish athlete who was successful as a javelin thrower in the years before the First World War . He was also a poet.

At the Olympic Games in Stockholm in 1912 he competed in both one-armed and two-armed javelin throwing. In one-armed throwing, he did not make it to the final, as only the three best throwers in the qualification were allowed. With 52.43 m he was more than three meters behind the Hungarian Mór Kóczán , who won bronze. In the two-armed throwing, however, he was only defeated by his compatriot Julius Saaristo (109.42 m), the silver medalist in the one-armed throwing, with 101.13 m . Urho Peltonen with 100.24 m completed the three-time Finnish triumph.

The following comparison shows that the victory over the famous Swede Eric Lemming , who finished fourth in the two-armed javelin throwing, was primarily due to the greater distances with the weaker limb:

athlete stronger arm weaker arm
Saaristo 61.00 48.42
Siikaniemi 54.09 47.04
Peltons 53.58 46.66
lemming 58.33 40.26

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