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The division of living beings into systematics is a continuous subject of research. Different systematic classifications exist side by side and one after the other. The taxon treated here has become obsolete due to new research or is not part of the group systematics presented in the German-language Wikipedia.

The Vahlkampfiidae were a taxon of protists and the largest group of the Heterolobosea .


Vahlkampfiidae have up to modes of Vahlkampfia always flagellated stages, but do not form fruiting bodies. The amoeboid stages that are always present (except for members of the genus Percolomonas ) are usually mononuclear and cylindrical in shape. The nuclear corpuscles remain intact during mitosis , but form two poles, the spindle is intranuclear. Cysts are common.


The Vahlkampfiidae was the most extensive of the three groups of the Heterolobosea. In addition to some monotypical genera, it also contained the genera Naegleria (~ 50 partially pathogenic species), Tetramitus (~ 15) and Vahlkampfia (~ 5).

Later classifications with their sister taxa, the Acrasidae and the Gruberellidae , combined to form the group of Tetramitia .


  1. Sina M. Adl, Alastair GB Simpson, Mark A. Farmer, Robert A. Andersen, O. Roger Anderson, John A. Barta, Samual S. Bowser, Guy Bragerolle, Robert A. Fensome, Suzanne Fredericq, Timothy Y. James , Sergei Karpov, Paul Kugrens, John Krug, Christopher E. Lane, Louise A. Lewis, Jean Lodge, Denis H. Lynn, David G. Mann, Richard M. McCourt, Leonel Mendoza, Øjvind Moestrup, Sharon E. Mozley-Standridge , Thomas A. Nerad, Carol A. Shearer, Alexey V. Smirnov, Frederick W. Spiegel, Max FJR Taylor: The New Higher Level Classification of Eukaryotes with Emphasis on the Taxonomy of Protists. The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 52 (5), 2005; Pages 399-451. PMID 16248873 . doi : 10.1111 / j.1550-7408.2005.00053.x .
  2. David J. Patterson, A. Rogerson, Naja Vors: Heterolobosea In: John J. Lee, GF Leedale, P. Bradbury (Eds.): An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa . tape 2 . Allen, Lawrence 2000, ISBN 1-891276-23-9 , pp. 1105 .
  3. ^ Johan F. De Jonckheere: Heterolobosea Page and Blanton 1985 , version of September 21, 2008, in The Tree of Life Web Project, , online
  4. Adl, SM, Simpson, AGB, Lane, CE, Lukeš, J., Bass, D., Bowser, SS, Brown, MW, Burki, F., Dunthorn, M., Hampl, V., Heiss, A. , Hoppenrath, M., Lara, E., le Gall, L., Lynn, DH, McManus, H., Mitchell, EAD, Mozley-Stanridge, SE, Parfrey, LW, Pawlowski, J., Rueckert, S., Shadwick, L., Schoch, CL, Smirnov, A. and Spiegel, FW: The Revised Classification of Eukaryotes. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology , 59: 429-514, 2012, PDF Online