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Naegleria fowleri

Naegleria fowleri

Domain : Eukaryotes (eukaryota)
without rank: Excavata
without rank: Discoba
without rank: Discicristata
without rank: Heterolobosis
without rank: Tetramitia
Scientific name
Cavalier-Smith , 1993

The Tetramitia are the most extensive group of the Heterolobosea , a group of protists .


Flagellated forms usually have four flagella or two kinetids each , the kinetosomes of which are arranged in parallel (with the exception of stephanopogon ). The apomorphic feature is that the rRNA of the small ribosomal subunit has a characteristic hairpin structure with a 17 base pair stem and a base loop.


The Tetramitia comprise three groups that were previously assigned to their own taxa, namely the Vahlkampfiidae , the Gruberellidae and the Acrasidae . Sister taxons are the Pharyngomonadidae , which consist of only one genus .


Footnotes directly behind a statement cover the individual statement, footnotes directly behind a punctuation mark the entire preceding sentence. Footnotes after a space refer to the entire preceding paragraph.

  1. a b Adl, SM, Simpson, AGB, Lane, CE, Lukeš, J., Bass, D., Bowser, SS, Brown, MW, Burki, F., Dunthorn, M., Hampl, V., Heiss, A., Hoppenrath, M., Lara, E., le Gall, L., Lynn, DH, McManus, H., Mitchell, EAD, Mozley-Stanridge, SE, Parfrey, LW, Pawlowski, J., Rueckert, S. ., Shadwick, L., Schoch, CL, Smirnov, A. and Spiegel, FW: The Revised Classification of Eukaryotes. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology , 59: 429-514, 2012, PDF Online