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Attempt to reconstruct the camp hospital at Housesteads Fort ( Hadrian's Wall ), 2nd century AD.
Camp hospital of the legionary camp Vindobona

Valetudinarium was the Latin name for ancient hospitals reserved for a specific group of users , especially military hospitals of the Roman army . Valetudinariums have been proven by excavations, for example in the legionary camps Vetera near Xanten and Novaesium ( Neuss ). They were also available on large estates ( villae rusticae ) for medical care for the slaves working there. Public hospitals only developed under the influence of Christianity in late antiquity. The Valetudinarium played no part in this development.


  • Ernst Künzl : Aesculapius in the Valetudinarium - or why the previous interpretation of the Roman hospitals still applies. Würzburg medical history reports 24, 2005, pp. 99-109
  • the same: the same (for the archaeological audience). In: Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt (Mainz) 35, 2005, pp. 55–64
  • Rudolf Schultze : The Roman legionary hospitals in Vetera and other legionary camps. Bonner Jahrbücher 139, 1934, pp. 54–63

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