Varus position

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In connection with limbs, a varus position (Latin: varus "bent outwards") is a misalignment in which the part distant from the body points beyond the normal dimension in the direction of the midline. In contrast , the valgus position means an outward deviation of the part distant from the body.

Due to the varus position, the joint (or the bone) protrudes outwards instead of the deformity. At the knee joint , this is an inward deviation of the lower leg with an increased distance between the knees and a protrusion of the outside knee parts, which corresponds to a bow-leg (technical term genu varum ). In principle, a varus position is possible on all joints and bones of the extremities and can lead to premature osteoarthritis of the affected or closest joint due to unilateral biomechanical overload . In the case of a bow-leg (genu varum), this can lead to a varus osteoarthritis of the knee that is accentuated on the inside due to increased stress on the inner joint space .


  • Coxa vara (hip malposition): The femoral neck is too flat in relation to the thigh shaft, the CCD angle (the angle between the femoral head, femoral neck and thigh shaft) is less than 120 degrees. This can be congenital ( Coxa vara congenita ) or the result of a hip disease, e.g. B. of the child's femoral head gliding. This creates high bending loads on the femoral neck, especially in the congenital form, whichcan breakin the sense of a fatigue fracture . In the case of the varus position, the part remote from the body points to the center line with a standardized position of the part near the body. In this respect, the femoral neck is not oriented “steeper” on the shaft, but rather the shaft points towards the middle of the body in relation to the femoral neck.
  • Pes varus or Calcaneus varus refers to the inwardly bent rear foot, which occurs particularly in connection with a clubfoot . In the Dachshund , the pes varus is a common congenital growth disorder.
  • Digitus quintus varus is a common misalignment of the little toe that is bent inwards towards the fourth toe. This misalignment is also called tailor's ball (small toe ball discomfort).
  • Tibia vara , also called Blount's disease , is an early childhood growth disorder of the medial tibial plateau, which yields under pressure and leads to bow legs via a varus malalignment of the tibia, although the cause is not in the knee joint, but in a bony axis deviation.
  • Cubitus varus is a misalignment of the elbow that can be triggered by a post-traumatic growth disorder of the humerus near the elbow after a child's bone fracture . The outer elbow knot ( epicondylus humeri radialis ) protrudes prominently and the forearm points towards the trunk. Corrective osteotomy on the distal humerus requires plate osteosynthesis on the radial and ulnar sides .

Individual evidence

  1. Martin Middeke, Hermann Sebastian Füeßl: Anamnesis and clinical examination , Thieme, Stuttgart, edition: 4, 2010, ISBN 978-3-13-126884-6 , p. 328
  2. Rüdiger Döhler : Supracondylar corrective osteotomy in post-traumatic cubitus varus. 3 cases in 2 patients. The trauma surgeon 105 (2002), pp. 397-400. ISSN  0177-5537 . PMID 12066480 .