Vasily Melik

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Vasilij Melik (born January 17, 1921 in Ljubljana ; † January 28, 2009 ibid) was a Yugoslav or Slovenian historian .

Melik was the son of the geographer Anton Melik . First as a librarian, then as a lecturer, he became a full professor of history at the University of Ljubljana in 1974 . Since 1997 he has been a full member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts .


  • (with Ferdo Gestrin ): Slovenska zgodovina od konca osemnajstega stoletja do 1918 , 1966 (Slovenian history from the end of the 18th century to 1918)
  • Volitve na Slovenskem 1861-1918 , 1965; German translation: Elections in old Austria. Using the example of the crown lands with a Slovene-speaking population , Vienna 1997 ( ISBN 3-205-98063-8 )


  • Enciklopedija Slovenije , Volume 7, 1993
  • Vincenc Rajšp (ed.), Melikov zbornik. Slovenci v zgodovini in njihovi srednjeevropski sosedje , 2001 ( ISBN 961-6358-33-2 , Festschrift , articles in Slovenian, German, English and French; table of contents )

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