Vasquez Rocks

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The park's emblematic rock formation, mostly called Famous Rock

Vasquez Rocks is a park in the Sierra Pelona Mountains in northern Los Angeles County , California , near Agua Dulce and about an hour's drive from Los Angeles on State Route 14. The area has been used as a filming location in various films, especially for extraterrestrial worlds, due to its bizarre appearance and the rocks that often protrude from the ground at steep angles. Today it is also a popular place for hiking; the Pacific Crest Trail runs through Vasquez Rocks.

Rock formation in Vasquez Rocks


Originally the Tataviam Indian tribe is said to have inhabited the area.

Around 1873, the well-known and controversial Californian bandit Tiburcio Vásquez , who is considered by some to be a kind of Mexican Robin Hood, used the area as a hiding place from the law enforcement officers; therefore the name.

Land and rocky areas were slowly acquired by Los Angeles County after a donation in 1971; In 1972 Vasquez Rocks was added to the National Register of Historic Places (location # 72000228) because of its history as a settlement area of ​​the Shoshone and Tataviam people .

Use as a location

In 1931 the area was used as a location for the film "The Hard Hombre" and for Death Browning's Dracula (1931) with Bela Lugosi ; In 1935 Universal Pictures used the site to shoot scenes from the film Werewolf of London , which were set in Tibet . Numerous episodes of the Bonanza series were later filmed here.

A striking triangular rock formation, usually simply called "Famous Rock", is in the episode "The Zanti Misfits" of the series The Outer Limits , in Michael Jackson's music video " Black or White " and in several Star Trek episodes, including "Arena" to see; Due to the Star Trek filming, the rock is sometimes also called Kirk's Rock or Gorn's Rock (Captain Kirk had to fight a Gorn here ). Later the films Star Trek Generations and the Star Trek fan film Star Trek: Of Gods And Men were partly shot here.

Vasquez Rocks has been used in around 200 films, series or clips (as of 2017).

Web links

Individual evidence

  3. Danny Kringiel: Kirk's Rock. Hollywood's most famous stone. In: Spiegel Online . June 7, 2017. Retrieved June 8, 2017 .