Veiko Märka

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Veiko Märka (born November 2, 1964 in Tallinn ) is an Estonian writer and critic.


After graduating from high school, Märka worked in various professions - for example, he was a transport worker in a shoe factory, a brush manufacturer and a postman - and also studied chemistry and later journalism at the University of Tartu for a while , but without obtaining a degree. At the end of the 1980s he found jobs with various newspaper offices.

In 1997 he was the driving force behind the founding of the Association of Young Authors ( Noorte autorite koondis , NAK) in Tartu and became its chairman. While the organization founded in the 1940s was primarily intended to ensure the correct ideological orientation of the next generation of writers in the Soviet era, the association was now a collection of unconventional authors who spoke out against the prevailing mainstream and in favor of a "permanent literary revolution".

Märka is a member of the Estonian Writers' Union .


Märka has been writing since the early 1980s and published his first short stories in magazines. Often they were in the humorous-satirical field, a genre to which the author remained true to in his later work. In his debut volume, the criticism emphasized the proximity to folklore, and his aphorisms were also positively highlighted. After that, Märka published books in various genres, including children's books such as Barutino (see the successful Estonian sumo wrestler Baruto Kaito ) or memoirs such as a description of 1986 ( Minu 1986 ), which he spent mostly in an asylum in order to be accessible to the authorities and to evade conscription into the Soviet Army. With that he “did not create a monument of the eighties in Estonia, but with a loose hand scrawled a graffito on its base, and as is so often the case in life, a graffito is more interesting and humane than the monument itself."

Just as important as his literary activity are his literary-historical works, which often deal with recent Estonian literary history and the Soviet era. Here the author is also offended when he casually remarks in a review that he does not understand the cult that was made around the battle of Sinimäe . In autumn 1944, the German Wehrmacht had withstood the Soviet attacks for a long time, which enabled tens of thousands of Estonians to flee to the West. “From the point of view of the Estonian people, this flight was of no use, only damage: a fragmentation of forces, loss of contacts, blackout of news, and later the dispersal of the refugees on many continents. Surely many of them would have waited for imprisonment, Siberia, death or just a miserable life. But instead of them, those who stayed at home suffered all the more. [...] Figuratively speaking: Instead of Hugo Raudsepp , Gustav Suits would have been imprisoned. "


Prose and poetry

  • Tühja aja korinad ('gulp of empty time'). Tartu: Eesti Kostabi $ eltsi Kaasaegse Kirjanduse Keskus 1997. 32 pp.
  • Keel tarretises ('tongue in jelly'). s. l .: sn 2001. 96 p.
  • Töörahva elu ('The life of the working people'). s. l .: sn 2001. 94 p.
  • Lendas üle marmortahvli ('Flew over the marble tablet'). Tallinn: Jutulind 2007. 142 pp.
  • Poeedirahu (' Poets ' Peace '). Tartu: Ilmamaa 2008. 64 pp.
  • Põletada pärast lugemist. Poeese ja aforisme 2001-2008 (' Burn after reading. Poetry and aphorisms 2001-2008'). Pärnu: Ji 2009. 80 pp.
  • Armastuskunsti suured võlurid ('The great magicians of the art of love'). Saarde, Pärnu: Jumalikud Ilmutused 2012. 173 pp.
  • Kuidas seletada piiblit surnud jumalale: (tõdemused 2008–2014) ('How the Bible explains to the dead God? Findings 2008–2014'). Tallinn: Henrik 2014. 119 pp.
  • Barutino: puust sumomaadleja ja tema sõprade seiklused ('Barutino. A wooden sumo wrestler and the adventures of his friends'). Tallinn: Hea Lugu 2015. 103 pp.
  • Minu 1986. Tiigriaasta hullumajas ('My 1986. The year of the tiger in the insane asylum'). Tallinn: Petrone Print 2016. 134 pp.

Literary criticism

  • Kala hakkas mädanema südamest (Sotsialistlikust realismist ENSV kirjanduses 1945–53) , in: Vikerkaar 10–11 / 1998, pp. 81–111.
  • Töö kui eesti kirjanduse püha clay. Rahvakasvatusliku kirjanduse aastasada 1870–1970 , in: Vikerkaar 6/2004, pp. 58–76.

Literature on the author

  • Hannu Oittinen: Sinine, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 11/1997, pp. 772–773.
  • Mart Velsker: Restauratsioon, in: Vikerkaar 1–2 / 1998, pp. 169–174.
  • Berk Vaher : Töörahvas tarretises, in: Looming 9/2001, pp. 1417-1420.
  • Veiko Märka / Sven Vabar: Märka, Lenin ja Emajõgi, in: Looming 4/2002, pp. 593–602.
  • Priit Kruus : Vüche hahaa-efekte, in: Looming 1/2008, pp. 149–150.
  • Andres Ehin : Nachbarutele võib julgelt lehvitada, in: Looming 3/2010, pp. 448–450.
  • Kaupo Meiel : Kirjad sõgedate ajast, in: Looming 4/2017, pp. 609–611.

Individual evidence

  1. Veiko Märka / Sven Vabar: Märka, Lenin ja Emajõgi, in: Looming 4/2002, p. 593.
  2. Epp Annus, Luule Epner, Ants Järv, Sirje Olesk, Ele Süvalep, Mart Velsker: Eesti kirjanduslugu. Tallinn: Koolibri 2001, p. 612.
  3. Veiko Märka / Sven Vabar: Märka, Lenin ja Emajõgi, in: Looming 4/2002, p. 594.
  4. Berk Vaher: Töörahvas tarretises, in: Looming 9/2001, p. 1418, also: Priit Kruus: Vüche hahaa-efekte, in: Looming 1/2008, p. 149.
  5. Mart Velsker: Restauratsioon, in: Vikerkaar 1-2 / 1998, p. 171.
  6. Hannu Oittinen: Sinine, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 11/1997, pp. 772-773.
  7. Kaupo Meiel: Kirjad sõgedate ajast, in: Looming 4/2017, p. 611.
  8. Cornelius Hasselblatt : History of Estonian Literature. From the beginning to the present. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter 2006, pp. 598-599.
  9. Veiko Märka: Otseläinu ja Ärapööranu. in: Vikerkaar 6/2012, 126-127.