Veit Hirschvogel

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Veit Hirschvogel the elder (also: Hirsvogel * 1461 in Nuremberg ; † 24. December 1526 ) was a German glass painter of the Renaissance .


Veit was the son of a Nuremberg glazier named Heinz Hirsvogel († September 1475).

Under Veit Hirschvogel's leadership, the glass painting workshop became the leading manufacturer of glass windows in Nuremberg and the surrounding area. From around 1500 he worked with Albrecht Dürer , who lived in Nuremberg . Hirschvogel, for example, made the Bamberg window in the St. Sebald Church based on Dürer's designs. The Mose window in the St. Jakob basilica in Straubing is also considered a work by Hirschvogel and Dürer . The collaboration with the inventive and artistically innovative Dürer brought Nuremberg glass painting to a height never before reached. The style changed from decorative surface design to illusionistic motif painting, in which the division of the glass surfaces was based on the motif and no longer the other way around.

Veit Hirschvogel had five sons, Veit (called Veit Hirschvogel the Younger) and Hans Hirschvogel, who died young, both glass painters, Martin Hirschvogel, a goldsmith who emigrated to Friborg, Stefan Hirschvogel, a Dominican , and Augustin Hirschvogel (1503–1553). The workshop was temporarily continued by Augustin, who, however, looked for other activities when the Reformation in Nuremberg had largely ruined the church window business. Augustin left Nuremberg and moved to Vienna, while his son Sebald Hirschvogel (1517–1589) continued the workshop.

Veit Hirschvogel's grave is on the Johannisfriedhof (Nuremberg) (grave no. 903). The Hirschvogelstrasse in Nuremberg is named after the artist family.


  • Hartmut Scholz: Design and execution: workshop practice in the Nuremberg glass painting of the Dürer period. Deutscher Verlag für Kunstwissenschaft, Berlin 1991, ISBN 3-87157-151-2 .
  • Hartmut Scholz: The workshop of the Nuremberg city glazier Veit Hirsvogel. In: Künstlerwerkstätten der Renaissance (History of European Art 5) , Zurich / Düsseldorf 1998, ISBN 3-545-33149-0 .
  • Manfred H. Grieb : Nürnberger Künstlerlexikon , Munich 2007.

Web links

Commons : Veit Hirschvogel  - Collection of images, videos and audio files