Vera Ziegler

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Vera Ziegler (born November 9, 1914 in Päwesin ; † December 12, 1996 in Berlin ) was a German gallery owner, publisher and actress.


Vera Ziegler's father owned a pharmacy in Wildau near Königs Wusterhausen , her mother was a teacher. After graduating from high school in 1934, she trained as a technical assistant and married in 1937. Vera Ziegler lived in Berlin from 1940 and worked in public libraries and from 1974 to 1979 at the Eastern European Institute of the Free University of Berlin .

In 1960 she founded the Galerie am Abend in her old apartment in Berlin , where she regularly held exhibitions and readings until 1969. In 1967 , Victor Otto Stomps (1897–1970) founded his publishing house Neue Rabenpresse in the rooms of the “Galerie am Abend” . After Stomps had to give up this publisher for reasons of age, Ziegler founded the “Verlag der Galerie am Abend”, which published various bibliophile editions, for example by Karl Oppermann and Uwe Reisner .

Since 1981 Ziegler has also worked as an actor in the theater, initially with independent Berlin groups. In 1990 she became a member of Andrej Woron's Teatr Kreatur ensemble . Parts of her estate are in the Foundation Archive of the Academy of the Arts (Berlin) .

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