Gallery in the evening

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The gallery in the evening (gaa) of Vera Ziegler was in the 1960s in West Berlin, a meeting place for visual artists, writers and poets, as well as the interested public.

Origin and development

The gallery was opened in the evening in June 1960 with an exhibition of works by the artists Karl August Hahn , Walter Schmock and Eugen Clermont . The exhibition rooms were in Vera Ziegler's spacious old Berlin apartment in Berlin-Friedenau, Wielandstraße 8. The gallery owner worked during the day and the name said it all, because the gallery only opened in the evening. Precisely because of this, the gallery was able to quickly develop its own profile, because artists and those interested in art were able to enter into direct dialogue more easily than was the case with traditional galleries.

In the evening, numerous successful artists were given one of the first opportunities to show their work in the gallery. On the other hand, the gallery was also able to present some West German artists for the first time in the western part of Berlin in the evening.

The opening of the exhibition from mid-1961 onwards was almost always connected with a reading, whereby the exhibiting visual artist and the reader were often also friendly. The invitations and posters for the exhibitions were mostly designed and produced by the artists themselves for the occasion. Between 1962 and 1968 between five and eight exhibitions with accompanying readings were held each year.

End of gallery time

Vera Ziegler ended her exhibition activities in the middle of 1969, presumably because the workload at the same time became too great. However, she held readings in the same rooms until 1995.

Edition of the gallery in the evening

Ziegler had taken in the publisher and writer Victor Otto Stomps in 1967 when he returned to Berlin from Stierstadt near Frankfurt am Main after many years. He was also able to set up a printing press in their rooms and published various authors there in small editions in his Neue Rabenpresse publishing house until 1969 . Inspired by this, Ziegler brought out several publications in the evening edition of the gallery from 1968 until the 1980s .

Exhibitions and readings (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

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