Damnation (novel)

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Damnation is the second volume in a three-volume series of crime novels by the Swedish author Stieg Larsson , which was published posthumously between 2005 and 2007 under the title Millennium Trilogy . The thriller was released in Swedish in 2006 under the title Flickan som lekte med elden (Eng. "The girl who played with fire") and has been translated into various languages. An English version appeared under the title The Girl Who Played with Fire (Eng. "The girl who played with fire"). The German first edition, translated by Wibke Kuhn, was published by Heyne Verlag in 2007 , and a paperback edition there in 2010 . Over 31 million copies of the trilogy have been sold worldwide.


House Fiskargatan 9 , Lisbeth Salander's new address in the novel

Lisbeth Salander has used the money that she has appropriated in delusion to go on a long luxury vacation in addition to plastic surgery. After returning to Sweden, she moves into a luxury apartment in Stockholm .

When Lisbeth remembers her legal advisor Bjurman, she breaks into his apartment and searches his records. Lisbeth finds the lawyer's weapon. He meets with a tall, blond man and gives him the job of killing Lisbeth.

Lisbeth visits her former guardian Palmgren, who has suffered a stroke, and supports him with rehab.

The young journalist Dag Svensson has researched Russian-Swedish girl trafficking and offers this material to Millennium magazine . Apparently, employees of the Swedish security police as well as various officials and dignitaries of Swedish society were among the suitors, who made themselves punishable by sexual intercourse with minors and violence against women forced into prostitution. Soon after, Mikael found Dag and his friend, the criminalist Mia Bergmann, who wrote a doctoral thesis on the same subject, murdered in their apartment. The police suspect Lisbeth because they found her fingerprints on the murder weapon. This belongs to Bjurman. When the investigating officer Modig wanted to question the lawyer, she found him also murdered. In this murder, too, an urgent suspicion falls on Lisbeth Salander, against whom a media campaign instigated by the chief public prosecutor is running in the media.

Mikael Blomkvist tries to track down Lisbeth in front of the police investigators. He witnesses how she is attacked by a stranger on the street, but Salander manages to escape and Mikael cannot find her either. He then asks the ex-boxing professional Paolo, who visits him because he used to train with Lisbeth, to establish contact with Lisbeth through her lover Miriam "Mimmi" Wu. Mimmi has now taken over Lisbeth's apartment. On the street in front of Mimmi's apartment, Paolo witnesses how a blond giant kidnaps Mimmi despite fierce resistance. Paolo follows the kidnapper's vehicle to a remote barn. Here he observes how the giant tries to extort the whereabouts of Lisbeth from Miriam by force. When Paolo intervenes, a boxing match develops between him and the blonde. Both he and Miriam, who also joins the fight, suffer serious injuries, but the two manage to flee.

Mikael manages to get in touch with Lisbeth, as she has gained access to his computer as an accomplished hacker , and receives individual tips from her.

Lisbeth suspects her files are in Bjurman's weekend house. She goes there by bus. The blond giant has already searched the house without success. She can discover her files in the attic. From her she learns that Zalachenko is her father. Blomkvist found out about this while visiting Palmgren. As Lisbeth is about to leave again, two criminals hired by the blonde arrive on the property with their motorbikes to set fire to the house in order to destroy any evidence that could indicate a connection between Zalachenko and Bjurman. You are surprised by the presence of Lisbeth Salander. Lisbeth manages to avoid the threat of being overwhelmed and raped by the two of them: She distracts one of them with pepper spray and kicks him in the genitals to stretch him to the ground. The other joins and is incapacitated by Lisbeth with a stun gun in the genital area. When the former gets up, she shoots him in the foot.

Lisbeth sits down on the blond's trail. She uses the license plate to identify a car rental company and forces an employee to hand over the rental data of the vehicle that the giant used. She learns that his name is Ronald Niederman, drives alone to her father's farm and breaks into his father's house armed with a gun. There, however, she is overwhelmed by Niederman, who had been warned by a surveillance camera.

Meanwhile, thanks to a proof of payment in Lisbeth's post office box, to which he had obtained the key, Mikael found her new luxury apartment and discovered evidence there that Lisbeth had gone to see her father. In the meantime, a Millennium employee has succeeded in locating the alleged place of residence of Zalachenko, a farm in western Sweden. Michael also goes on his way, but refrains from informing the police because Lisbeth Salander is still being wanted in a wanted list.

During a conversation with her father, Lisbeth learns that Niederman is her half-brother. The father digs a grave for her on the instructions of her father, and father and son lead them outside to shoot them there. Shortly afterwards she manages to escape, but her father kills her with three shots. Niederman puts them in the excavated grave and covers it up. Despite serious injuries, however, she is able to break free and return to the farm. She is looking for gasoline in a shed when suddenly her father shows up. She attacks him with an ax and takes the pistol from the seriously injured man. Barely able to move and covered in blood, she can fire a few more shots at Niederman. He flees, but is stopped and tied up on the access road by Mikael, who has now also arrived. Then Mikael goes to the courtyard, where he finds the injured. He immediately informs the ambulance service.



The novel was filmed in 2009 with Mikael Nyqvist and Noomi Rapace in the lead roles under the title Damnation .

radio play

The novel is available in German in a radio play version on sound carrier in a production of the WDR with Ulrich Matthes, Sylvester Groth and Anna Thalbach. This radio play was published in 2010 by the Cologne publisher Random House Audio.

Audio book

Verdammnis was released in 2009 as an abridged reading on audio carriers. The title was read by Dietmar Bär . The translation was done from Swedish by Wibke Kuhn. Thomas Krüger and the publisher Schall & Wahn from Bergisch Gladbach were responsible for the reading version and direction. In 2012 an unabridged version was published by Audible , read by Dietmar Wunder .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Damnation" in the catalog of the German National Library
  2. ^ "Verdammnis" as a paperback in the catalog of the German National Library
  3. Information about the book on the official website of the book adaptation " Verdammnis "
  4. ^ "Damnation" as a radio play in the catalog of the German National Library
  5. ^ "Verdammnis" as an audio book in the catalog of the German National Library