Tracking support

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Persecution care is a polemical catchphrase in Germany with which the employment agencies are accused of working specifically to impose blocking periods on the unemployed. It was mainly used by trade unionists to criticize measures following the introduction of the Third Law for Modern Services on the Labor Market ( Hartz III ) in 2003. In connection with the Social Security Code II (SGB-II), the term is used in dealing with the concept of the “activating welfare state” and the associated change of perspective in social policy.

The term goes back to press reports, according to which the word persecution care was used in some employment agencies for activities that are supposed to result in a cessation of services.

Concept history

In 2003, the staff councils of the Bochum Employment Agency, organized at Ver.di , took up the term persecution support used in employment agencies to characterize a “tightening” of their tasks, for which they blamed a requirement of the Federal Employment Agency for saving: The magic word for savings is the blocking period and the associated one The necessary measures are summarized in the BA Unwort des Jahres: The unemployed are threatened with “persecution care”. This meant the "business policy goals" of the Federal Employment Agency of 2003, in which the goal was formulated to reduce the number of those who receive social benefits wrongly or in an unjustified amount by intensifying control of the existence of the benefit requirements, so that the budget without Grants. This target has been adopted by many local employment agencies,

The "Measure 11" of the Bochum Employment Agency concerned "the establishment of rolling training measures for women returning to work". The official goal was a better “placement in work”. It is claimed that a proportion of women with children were calculated who would not participate in a training program. This allegedly results in a reduction in the number of women available for placement in benefit receipts by around 300; the financial savings target was set at the amount of 380,000 euros - which is negligible compared to the overall budget. A “measure 3” urged the clerks not to act according to the principle of “ in dubio pro reo ”, i.e. in case of doubt for the accused, but less generously when deciding on blocking times . Employees of the Bochum employment office also protested against the formulation of the principle, which is only used legally in criminal law .

In press releases from the union ver.di it was said: The unemployed are threatened with “persecution care”. In concrete terms, this means that every possible and impossible opportunity to impose a blocking period is used. The pressure on the unemployed does not stop at the colleagues in the offices. Hit lists are set up with the aim of seeing who has imposed how many blackout times and at what time.

General classification in social policy

In specialist circles on SGB-II, the term is used when dealing with the concept of the activating welfare state and the associated change of perspective in social policy. The problem of the coupling of aid and sanctions is highlighted and the conflicts between political objectives, social law requirements and individual rights are discussed, as is the changing roles of employees in the social authorities. In connection with grievances in the areas of SGB II on the topics of sanctions - social law requirements , promoting and demanding in the activating welfare state , activation and integration - the importance of incentives and sanctions in the performance process SGB II , the phenomenon of "persecution care " is pointed out and The origin of the term was highlighted: The term emerged as a self-criticism of employment office employees of their individual behavior in keeping hit lists for blocking time sanctions, on the one hand, and as a criticism of the Federal Employment Agency and its policy of putting pressure on those in need, on the other.

Reception in the social sciences

In the social sciences , the term was taken up by individual researchers in order to clarify their theory of a "crisis" development of the welfare state . According to Christoph Butterwegge , it describes the harassment of those affected by means of more or less subtle pressure in “trade union circles and unemployment initiatives” and is intended to draw attention to possible arbitrariness by the authorities with the aim of intimidating the unemployed and statistically reducing the number of beneficiaries. The users point out that the care of the unemployed with the aim of their integration into the labor market is accompanied by tightened control of their entitlement to social benefits .

Michael Wolf, Professor for Social Policy and Social Planning at the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, sees the problem of persecution care and the like. a. in the "exclusionary activation". He is of the opinion that the “case manager”, who takes the place of the traditional clerk, “results in a selection that is not based on the client's need for help, but on the financial and organizational interests of the basic security provider is reinforced by the contradicting conditions under which his actions take place, namely that he cannot objectively exert any significant influence on the labor market, but very much on the unemployed person seeking and receiving help, so that the efforts of his placement work that control the help process inevitably focus on it focus on overcoming the macro-level problem of mass unemployment on the micro-level of individual behavior through adaptation, i.e. submission of clients to the demands of the labor market, which in turn increases the likelihood of the use of repressive means such as the establishment of work forced or the threat of a reduction or even complete withdrawal of support services increased. ”The case manager would no longer live up to the ideal of a“ lawyer acting in the interests of the clients ”, but instead“ took on the role of a 'gatekeeper' Bouncer, whose task is to deny unemployed clients in need of help initial or continued access to the support services by means of upstream activation measures, such as so-called 'immediate offers', and aggressive case management, i.e. strategies of 'persecution', with exclusion of benefits or cuts are faced. "

Wolf defines "persecution care" as follows:

The term »persecution care« coined by employees of the state employment office in North Rhine-Westphalia addresses the issue of the targeted and deliberate exclusion of unemployed people in need of benefits: »Specifically, this means that every possible and impossible opportunity to impose a blocking period is used. The pressure on the unemployed does not stop at the colleagues in the offices. Hit lists are set up with the aim of looking at who has imposed how many blocking times and at what time. ”(Küster et al. 2003: 2) The aim of this self-criticism, however, is less the individual behavior of the specialist staff than that of the Federal Employment Agency Politics, by means of "massive pressure", to force its employees "to act against the unemployed at the limit of legal and moral legality, solely with the aim of reducing or blocking their financial livelihood" (ibid .: 3) .

Legal assessments

Uwe-Dietmar Berlit from Leipzig , judge at the Federal Administrative Court , considers the practice, criticized by those affected as 'persecution support', of "making the receipt or acceptance of a service request dependent on the acceptance of an 'immediate offer'" as illegal.

The legal change to SGB II, which is assessed as problematic, also leads to discussions in specialist circles. This also includes the offers to those seeking help by the social welfare authority, which are coupled with sanctions. Berlit warns of the inadequate regulation of the integration agreement , which lacks an “express reasonableness reservation” in the wording of the law. From a constitutional point of view, however, the reservation of reasonableness must be considered.

The legal side of the integration agreement is also criticized by the trade union side (Dorothee Fetzer): “Instead of fixed rights”, “an unemployed person would be confronted with an often diffuse discretion on the part of his 'pAPs' (personal contact person).” Against this background, there is often a Persecution support through “compulsory agreement” the speech. Fetzer speaks of "legal [n] and unlawful [n] bases for persecution care and harassment".

In his criticism, Berlit also refers to Peter Schruth from the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, Department of Social and Health Services, who criticizes the pressure on those affected by the deficiencies of SGB II in relation to social assistance. According to Schruth, SGB II “makes families with children worse and is a direct slide into poverty; it forces in wage labor at any price, without giving those affected by human dignity as well as the social and rule of law principles corresponding individual rights (in particular against forced labor, forced impoverishment or necessary support). No new jobs will be created, but the pressure to be forced into any kind of employment is intensified with massive sanctions. "

The term in the discourse about the welfare state

As an opponent of social cuts , the unionist Dorothee Fetzer sees what she calls persecution care as a strategy of discipline and exclusion. This criticism also includes the guideline of “promoting and demanding”, since it is about the “dismantling of performance rights, in particular of calculable, enforceable claims for money to secure livelihood” (Helga Spindler). SGB ​​II provides for the conclusion of an integration agreement that can only be rejected by the unemployed under special conditions.

Helga Spindler, Professor of Public Law at the University of Duisburg-Essen, states here a “restrictive paradigm shift in social policy”, which calls for an “activating state”. In the “Promote and Demand” program, case management concepts come into play that “are already determined far more by the Bertelsmann Foundation ” than conveyed “from the textbooks of social work”. Here counseling is no longer an offer of help that can be “requested by the citizen when necessary and which is convincing due to its usefulness, but it becomes a duty from the first day, combined with threats of sanctions”. This concept is associated with a paradigm shift in welfare state action: “Away from rights, to nebulous opportunities; away from respect for self-determination and emancipation to authoritarian care offers ”. In addition, she criticizes the "involuntary, sometimes degrading and discouraging procedures" for those affected. Spindler: “This is primarily control from a single source; Even critical employees in employment offices speak of 'persecution support' here. Attempts are already being made to classify the unemployed in categories that differ not according to skills and professional requirements, but rather according to the degree of willingness to integrate and personality disorders, and to align strategies that have little to do with job placement. ""

The requirements of the then Federal Minister of Economics, Wolfgang Clement, of June 3, 2005, apply as targeted follow-up support measures. In it he formulated “immediate measures to avoid or detect misuse of services”. They include the control of "actual availability"; support with the aim of "being able to counter the abuse of services", for example by setting up inspection and field services and rapid switching offices.

In an article for Attac, the sociologist Frank Rentschler describes the term “persecution care” as the BA word of the year .

Law enforcement and abuse debate

Abuse of social benefits and social assistance has not only been a topic in the media and for experts from science and administration since the introduction of Hartz IV. Here, too, experts emphasize the conflict between the task of advising on the one hand and the task of providing assistance to the citizens concerned, and on the other hand the task of monitoring and sanctioning, and criticizing the interaction of both areas of responsibility at the site of the social welfare authority. As early as 1998, Dietrich Schoch from the administrative college of the state of Hesse referred to the media discourse with “entertainment value” in the magazine for the welfare system: “Everyone knows someone who has cheated on the social welfare office, or at least knows someone who knows you. The abuse discussion creates the risk that the victims of the restructuring of the economy, the unemployed, will be made perpetrators if they (have to) make use of social benefits. ”Against this background, he considered it necessary to“ objectify the discussion instead of blanket suspicions ” . On the basis of the investigation of cases of abuse, he criticized the fact that employees of a social welfare office had filed criminal charges against recipients of assistance on the grounds of suspicion of social benefit fraud ( Section 263 StGB ). According to Schoch, a total of 185 criminal charges were filed in the 18-month period. His criticism is that the Federal Social Welfare Act is not a criminal law and the task of the social welfare offices is to provide assistance and not to prosecute: “It cannot be the task of a social welfare office to see itself as an auxiliary body to the public prosecutor's office. The unexceptional prosecution of suspected cases to this extent through criminal proceedings cannot be a suitable means of social welfare. ”However, this is countered by the fact that the social welfare office only acts as a complainant here - a function that everyone is entitled to. A special position of the social welfare office in this regard results only from the fact that facts can be directly proven that justify an initial suspicion against the person concerned. On the other hand, failure to report the criminal offense by the social welfare office would usually result in the person concerned not being threatened with any further measures other than reclaiming the wrongly received benefits, since no other instance had a corresponding suspicion of fraud: from the perspective of the person concerned, social abuse would in the best case be one Grant permanent advantage, in the worst case at least not create a disadvantage compared to honest action. Against this one can counter that z. B. Employees who report their employer must, according to established case law, expect to be dismissed, regardless of whether the initial suspicion is confirmed or not; the interest of the state (and possibly the community of solidarity) in the investigation and prosecution of criminal offenses should take a back seat to the employer's right to "loyal behavior" of its employees. The function of a complainant may therefore be “due” to everyone, but in these cases it cannot be exercised by socially disadvantaged people or can only be exercised anonymously, which raises the question of whether legal double standards are used here.

On June 3, 2005, Federal Labor Minister Clement called on all managing directors of the working groups to take various measures to prevent and detect misuse of services. Previously, Clement drew attention to a high rate of abuse. This not only led to criticism of the “persecution support”, but also intensified the abuse debate in the media. Joachim Rock - chairman of the German Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband - criticized the Clements “offensive” as a “perfect template for the tabloid media”. It is "deliberately formulated on the edge of legal contestability". Anyone who argues, like Clement, "wants to deliberately defame and discredit, wants to raise the mood and assign individual guilt to people." In the nationwide letter from June to the ARGE managing directors, the minister called for "immediate measures to avoid or detect misuse of services". The measures include a .:

  • checking the actual availability
  • intensive support in order to be able to "counter performance abuse"
  • the establishment of rapid switching centers
  • the establishment of an inspection and field service

The labor market policy spokesman for the SPD parliamentary group, Klaus Brandner , called for a SGB ​​II optimization law in 2006 , which should also control the care of the citizens more closely. To this end, he calls for an automated data comparison , immediate offers to take up employment or qualification, the establishment of a field service for working groups and optional municipalities as well as flexibility in the sanction regulations in order to be able to react better to the individual case. Initiatives such as the Unemployed Forum Germany criticized the optimization law under the heading of “persecution care” and the review of willingness to work as disproportionate (“shot at sparrows with cannons”). The law on the further development of basic security for jobseekers came into force on August 1, 2006 and provides for around 50 changes, including reductions in benefits and tightening of access to ALG II as well as tightening the legal basis for further control options and data comparison.

Thilo Weichert, the head of the Independent State Center for Data Protection (ULD) Schleswig-Holstein, stated in his report for the state parliament for 2006, after reviewing submissions from ALG II recipients at the ULD, that “a person seeking help was under covert observation”. The report goes on to say, “There was an audit trail in the file. In another case, the underage daughter was asked whether the mother had a new boyfriend. The mother herself was at work. Another victim told us that her mailbox had been searched without her knowledge. A completely insecure woman complained that a video camera was being made of her bedroom and other rooms. People looking for help who only lived to sublet told us that sales representatives insisted that the rooms used by the main tenant also be inspected, even though they did not receive any services. ”The list of entries was“ terrifyingly long ”. After press reports on the association's activities, a non-profit association was requested by the ARGE to notify the recipient of the donation under threat of a fine . In the press report there was no indication that the citizens in distress were ALG II recipients. The citizens are also not aware that economic data from banks, landlords and department stores are also “potential investigation data” for social authorities.

Conflicts of goals in social and administrative practice

Under the topic of “persecution care”, the problem of the social authorities is primarily addressed with regard to their sometimes contrary goals (cf. Helga Spindler). In addition to advice and support, the logics of saving are also on the business agenda and lead to conflicting goals, which the employees of the authority and their clientele feel and perceive as contradicting (see ISO evaluation). Employees of the social authorities not only have the task of looking after and advising those in need, but are also the point of contact for information on "undeclared work" and "illegal employment". Interest groups such as the Bertelsmann Foundation developed their own concept of “promoting and demanding”, which is now mainly implemented by the “ case manager ” type . He takes the place of the traditional " clerk ".

"Damage" benefit receipt

On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor , the institute iso - Institute for Social Research and Social Economy e. V. carried out an evaluation of the measures to implement the Hartz Commission's proposals. In their report from June 2005, the authors of the institute stated that the Federal Agency aligns its “ services ” according to an “operational logic” that differentiates between those in need ( customers ) and wants to avoid “claiming” benefits . Those seeking help are divided into segments and categorized as “market customers”, “advisory customers – activate”, “advisory customers – promote” and “support customers” . The iso-Institut criticizes the intermediaries' inability to make an “exclusion decision” by assigning the “care customer” category to those affected, and at the same time notes a conflict between the social authority and its socio-political mandate: the concentration of resources on the “still integrable ”customer groups is logical, but at the expense of the socio-political mandate of the BA, which lies in the medium and long-term development of the labor potential of even the“ weak market ”.

Divergent business policy priorities

According to an evaluation in 2005, the Federal Employment Agency's four main areas of business policy in 2003 focused not only on advising and promoting the unemployed, but also on combating illegal employment and abuse of services . The evaluation names the following focal points:

  • Avoid and end individual unemployment
  • Fast integration
  • Activate, qualify and integrate young people and the long-term unemployed
  • Combat illegal employment and abuse of performance

The business policy circular of the Federal Employment Agency dated March 7, 2003 identified “the main goals of reducing unemployment and a BA budget without a federal subsidy”.

Change in the roles of the social authority staff

  • Case manager

The Bertelsmann Foundation published a handbook for advice and integration as early as 2002 . Encourage and challenge - integration strategies in employment promotion that, according to critics such as Helga Spindler, propagate the dismantling of the traditional “protective rights” of the citizen “against sovereign interference, tutelage and education from the state”. The manual shows a new model for the employees of the social authority: "The new type of authority representative is no longer the uniformly administrating clerk, but the" case manager "with extensive control authority and freedom of decision - initially in the labor market, in the future probably also in the health sector or nursing. " According to the Bertelsmann Foundation's presentation, the case manager should take on the role of “teacher, preacher friend and cop” towards the unemployed. "Spindler sees the new type of employee of the social authority, who today largely corresponds to the" case manager ", confronted with contradicting roles: " One hand "should not only prescribe assistance agreements," carefully besiege "those in need (H. Genz / A. Schwendy ) Organizing "uncomfortable" (Gert Wagner), but also being able to dictate what needs to be done by simultaneously threatening to cease performance or withholding cash benefits. This is above all control from a single source; even critical employees in employment offices speak of "persecution support" here. .

Coupling of advice and sanctions

Peter Barthelheimer from the Sociological Research Institute at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen stated in his contribution to the conference "Where the customer is not king" in 2006 that "through the coupling of service and cash benefits", those seeking help ( addressees ) become "forced customers" the social authority.


The polemical aim of the term, which in its name already contains the devaluation of the reform measure, is criticized in particular. The control measures, so critics of the term, are an essential task of the legislature and the employment agencies. The modernization of social systems also includes curbing the abuse of benefits . On the revenue side of the state, citizens are exposed to much more control and surveillance than on the expenditure side. This necessary alignment, so critics, is defamed by the polemical term of “persecution care”.

Critics consider the assertion that blocking times can be decided against the accused in case of doubt as untenable, after all, such blocking times would be rejected as inadmissible in objection proceedings, at the latest in court proceedings before the social court . This is underlined by the implementation instructions of the Federal Agency for § 144 SGB ​​III .

Critics of control measures overlook the fact that, with the Social Welfare Data Comparison Ordinance (SozhiDAV), automatic comparisons between pension insurance and social security offices and other social insurance providers have existed since 1994.

See also


  • Peter Barthelheimer (2006): Where the customer is not king. In: Specialist conferences Network SGB II. Employment Policy Association: communal e. V. Offenbach 2006 (PDF on
  • Daniel Bieber, Volker Hielscher, Peter Ochs, Christine Schwarz, Gerd Bender: Organizational restructuring of the Federal Employment Agency . Evaluation of the measures to implement the Hartz Commission's proposals.
  • Uwe Berlit (2003): Merging unemployment and social assistance. Comments on the draft laws of the federal government and the Hessian state government for a new SGB II and SGB XII, in: info also, no. 5, pp. 195–208.
  • Uwe Berlit: The new system of sanctions , ZfSH / SGB 2005, 707 - 715 (part 1), ZfSH / SGB 2006, 11 - 19 (part 2). (Note: For the application and interpretation of § 31 SGB II, see - in addition to the comments in the various explanatory works)
  • Uwe Berlit (2006): Sanctions - Social Law Requirements. In:: Symposium Network SGB II. Employment Policy Association: communal e. V. Offenbach 2006.
  • Bertelsmann Foundation u. a. (Ed.): Handbook of advice and integration. Support and challenge - integration strategies in employment promotion , Gütersloh 2002.
  • Stefan von Borstel: Hartz IV recipients' willingness to work is being examined . In: Die Welt from April 18, 2006 [9]
  • Butterwegge, Christoph: Crisis and future of the welfare state. 3rd, expanded edition. 2006, ISBN 978-3-531-44848-0 .
  • Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth : The activating welfare state. Communication from September 20, 2005 [10]
  • Wolfgang Clement: Priority for the decent - against abuse, "rip-offs" and self-service in the welfare state. A report from the labor market in summer 2005, Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor, August 2005 [11] (PDF; 188 kB)
  • Dorothee Fetzer: persecution, harassment and violations of privacy and privacy. In: Aktion Agenturschluss (Hg) (2006): Black Book Hartz IV. Social attack and resistance - an interim balance. Association A, Hamburg / Berlin, ISBN 3-935936-51-6 .
  • Thomas Hoebel (2006): Work and Exclusion. Labor market reforms in the Federal Republic of Germany. Bachelor's thesis. University of Osnabrück. Online [12] (example of the use of the term at the university)
  • Coalition agreement of the CDU, CSU and SPD, pp. 21–32 (cf. Dorothee Fetzer: Persecution, harassment and violations of the private and intimate sphere. In: Aktion Agenturschluss (Hg) (2006): Schwarzbuch Hartz IV. Social attack and resistance - one Interim balance. Association A, Hamburg / Berlin, ISBN 3-935936-51-6 , p. 32f)
  • Gerhard Küster, Brigitte Fuchs, Franz Mevenkamp (Red.): InTeam. Messages from the ver.di parliamentary groups in the BRP and the BJAV in the state employment office in North Rhine-Westphalia; as well as the ver.di regional work administration group, March 2003 [13]
  • Dietrich Schoch: Social assistance and discussion of abuse. In: Journal for Welfare No. 10/1998
  • Peter Schruth (2004): Hartz IV or the new SGB II: On the way to the authoritarian state - a collection of material and arguments . Berlin: FRY, online at URL (November 16, 2004) [14] (PDF file; 272 kB)
  • Helga Spindler (2003): Promote and Demand - Change of Perspective in Welfare State Action . In: Andrea Grimm (ed.): Forum youth social work, inventory and perspectives for Lower Saxony. Loccumer Protocols 24/02, Rehburg - Loccum 2003, pp. 121-134 [15]
  • Helga Spindler: "Overload and monitor". The restrictive paradigm shift in social policy . In: Sozialextra 8/9 (2003) [16]
  • Helga Spindler (2003), Funding and Demanding - Effects of a Social Policy Strategy on Civil Rights, Autonomy and Human Dignity, in: Social Progress, pp. 11–12.
  • Helga Spindler (OJ / 2005): Where is the welfare state heading? [17] (In the meantime published in slightly abbreviated form: Reconstruction of the German welfare state through new control elements and Hartz IV in: Archive for Science and Practice of Social Work 2005, Issue 1, pp. 50–62)
  • Harald Rein (2004): The end of modesty: subsistence money, a demand from unemployed and social welfare initiatives. In: Gerntke, A. / Rätz, W. / Schäfer, C. u. a .: Income for a living. About unconditional basic income, statutory minimum wages and other distribution issues. Hamburg 2004 (online version [18] )
  • Harald Rein (2003): Speech at the closing rally demonstration against social cutbacks on November 1, 2003 in Berlin (online version [19] )
  • Frank Rentschler: The activating state makes people mobile. Effects of “demanding and encouraging” - the persecution support . In: Ernst Lohoff, u. a. (Ed.) 2004: Dead Men Working. Instructions for use for work and social criticism. Münster, ISBN 3-89771-427-2 .
  • Wolfgang Völker: "Demanding advice" - A request to object to the address of social work [20]
  • Michael Wolf: “Activating Help” On the ideology and reality of a socio-political stereotype .
  • Michael Wolf, Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, (2006). Hartz IV: exclusionary activation or lesson about the vulnerability of human dignity. In: Specialist conferences Network SGB II. Employment Policy Association: communal e. V. Offenbach 2006 (Online [21] PDF; 1293Kb), as well as the revised version in UTOPIEkreativ (from December 7, 2006) (Online [22] )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b cf. Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth: The activating welfare state Archived copy ( Memento of the original from June 14, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. a b cf. Helga Spindler (OJ / 2005): Where is the welfare state heading? S. Literature Archived copy ( Memento of the original from September 29, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. a b See SGB II specialist conferences, plus the literature listed ( memento of the original from March 7, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 1293Kb) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. ^ A b Dorothee Fetzer: Supervision of persecution, harassment and violations of the private and intimate sphere. In: Agenturschluss (Hg) (2006): Schwarzbuch Hartz IV. S. Literature p. 31.
  5. Michael Wolf: “Activating Help” On the ideology and reality of a socio-political stereotype . [1] There: Employees of the state labor office in North Rhine-Westphalia speak in this context of "support for persecution". “In concrete terms, this means that every possible and impossible opportunity to impose a blocking period is used. The pressure on the unemployed does not stop at the colleagues in the offices. Hit lists are set up with the aim of seeing who has imposed how many blocking times and in what time «(Küster et al. 2003: 2)
  6. Ver.di staff councils for internal use of the term in the Bochum BA "BA-Unwort Verfolungsbetreuung" [2]
  7. ^ Notices from the ver.di parliamentary groups in the BPR and the BJAV in the State Labor Office in North Rhine-Westphalia; as well as the ver.di regional work administration group. March 2003: [3] Cf. Dorothee Fetzer and Helga Spindler, Professor of Public Law at the University of Essen Archived copy ( memento of the original from September 29, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. Michael Wolf: “Activating Help” On the ideology and reality of a socio-political stereotype . [4]
  9. ^ Ver.di staff councils on the internal use of the term in the Bochum BA "BA-Unwort Verfolungsbetreuung" [5]
  10. Dorothee Fetzer, ibid.
  11. ^ Notices from the ver.di parliamentary groups in the BPR and the BJAV in the State Labor Office in North Rhine-Westphalia; as well as the ver.di regional work administration group. March 2003: [6] Cf. Dorothee Fetzer, ibid., Cf. there also the references to: AA-Rundbrief 1/2003 of March 7, 2003, business instructions
  12. cf. Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth: The activating welfare state Archived copy ( Memento of the original from June 14, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . Cf. Specialist Conferences Network SGB II, on this the given literature: Michael Wolf, FH Koblenz, (2006), Uwe Berlit (2006). Cf.: Helga Spindler (2003), Promote and Demand - Effects of a Social Policy Strategy on Civil Rights, Autonomy and Human Dignity , in: Social Progress, pp. 11–12. Helga Spindler (OJ / 2005): Where is the welfare state heading? Archived copy ( memento of the original from September 29, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Slightly abbreviated now published: Reorganization of the German welfare state through new control elements and Hartz IV in: Archive for Science and Practice of Social Work 2005, Issue 1, pp. 50–62). Compare: Peter Schruth (2004): Hartz IV or the new SGB II: On the way to the authoritarian state - a collection of material and arguments. See: Daniel Bieber, Volker Hielscher, Peter Ochs, Christine Schwarz: Organizational restructuring of the Federal Employment Agency. Evaluation of the measures to implement the Hartz Commission's proposals. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  13. ↑ Specialist conferences Network SGB II. Employment Policy Association: communal e. V. Offenbach 2006 Archived copy ( memento of the original from March 7, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 1293Kb) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  14. Michael Wolf, Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, (2006)
  15. ^ Christoph Butterwegge: Crisis and future of the welfare state. 3rd, expanded edition. 2006. VS-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-531-44848-0 . page
  16. Cf. Christoph Butterwegge: Crisis and Future of the Social State. 3rd, expanded edition. 2006, ISBN 978-3-531-44848-0 , p. 307 ff. Cf. Frank Rentschler: The activating state makes mobile. Effects of “demanding and encouraging” - the persecution support . In: Ernst Lohoff, u. a. (Ed.) 2004: Dead Men Working. Instructions for use for work and social criticism. Münster, Dorothee Fetzer: persecution care, harassment and violations of the private and intimate sphere. In: Agenturschluss (Hg) (2006): Schwarzbuch Hartz IV. S. Literature p. 31f, Spindler, Helga: “Overload and monitor”. The restrictive paradigm shift in social policy. In: Sozialextra 8/9 (2003)
  17. Michael Wolf, Professor of Social Policy and Social Planning, Koblenz University of Applied Sciences. Hartz IV: exclusionary activation or lesson about the vulnerability of human dignity. In: Specialist conferences Network SGB II. Employment Policy Association: communal e. V. Offenbach 2006.
  18. Michael Wolf (2006): Hartz IV: exclusionary activation or lesson about the vulnerability of human dignity [7]
  19. Uwe Berlit (2006): Sanctions - social law requirements. In:: Symposium Network SGB II. Employment Policy Association: communal e. V. Offenbach 2006 (Online archived copy ( memento of the original from March 7, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. PDF; 1293Kb ) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  20. Belitz, Archived Copy ( Memento of the original from March 7, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 1293Kb) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  21. ^ Dorothee Fetzer: persecution care, harassment and violations of the private and intimate sphere. In: Aktion Agenturschluss (Hg) (2006): Black Book Hartz IV. Social attack and resistance - an interim balance. Association A, Hamburg / Berlin, ISBN 3-935936-51-6 , p. 34.
  22. Cf. Dorothee Fetzer: persecution, harassment and violations of the private and intimate sphere. In: Aktion Agenturschluss (Hg) (2006): Black Book Hartz IV. Social attack and resistance - an interim balance. Association A, Hamburg / Berlin, ISBN 3-935936-51-6 , p. 34.
  23. Peter Schruth (2004): Hartz IV or the new SGB II: On the way to the authoritarian state - a collection of material and arguments . Berlin: FRY, online at URL (November 16, 2004) Archived copy ( memento of the original from September 28, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF file; 272 kB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  24. Fetzer, ibid.
  25. a b Spindler, Helga: "Overload and monitor". The restrictive paradigm shift in social policy. In: Sozialextra 8/9 (2003) and Helga Spindler, quoted from Dorothee Fetzer, lecture on persecution support from October 30, 2005.
  26. Helga Spindler (2003): Promote and Demand - Change of Perspective in Welfare State Action. In: Forum youth social work, inventory and perspectives for Lower Saxony. Andrea Grimm (Ed.), Loccumer Protocols 24/02, Rehburg - Loccum 2003, pp. 121–134 Archived copy ( memento of the original from September 29, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  27. a b Spindler, Helga: "Overload and monitor". The restrictive paradigm shift in social policy. In: Sozialextra 8/9 (2003)
  28. ^ Helga Spindler, Professor of Public Law from the University of Essen. In: Spindler: Where is the welfare state heading? Archived copy ( memento of the original from September 29, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  29. Frank Rentschler: The activating state mobilizes. Effects of “demanding and encouraging” - the persecution support . In: Ernst Lohoff, u. a. (Ed.) 2004: Dead Men Working. Instructions for use for work and social criticism
  30. Dietrich Schoch: Social welfare and abuse discussion. IN: Journal for the Welfare System No. 10/1998.
  31. Roch quoted from Butterwegge. 2006 Wiesbaden. s. Literature p. 208.
  32. ^ Letter from Federal Minister Wolfgang Clement and managing director of the working groups v. June 3, 2005, page 3. See Dorothee Fetzer: Supervision of persecution, harassment and violations of privacy and privacy. In: Aktion Agenturschluss (ed.) (2006): Black Book Hartz IV. Social attack and resistance - an interim balance. Association A, Hamburg / Berlin, ISBN 3-935936-51-6 , p. 36.
  33. Die Welt: Willingness to work of Hartz IV recipients is checked v. April 18, 2006, cf. also the website of Klaus Brandner []
  34. (Source: Federal Law Gazette 2006, Part I, No. 36, July 25, 2006 PDF  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove it this note. , page no longer available , search in web archives: HTML ).@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  @1@ 2Template: Toter Link /
  35. Thilo Weichert, Head of the Independent State Center for Data Protection Schleswig-Holstein. Reporting period: 2006, editorial deadline: February 15, 2007, Landtag printed matter 16/1250 Archived copy ( memento of the original from March 17, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 1.5 MB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  36. cf. Chamber of Crafts Koblenz ( Memento of the original from September 27, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  37. Bertelsmann Stiftung u. a. (Ed.): Handbook of advice and integration. Encouraging and demanding - integration strategies in employment promotion. Gütersloh 2002, p. 17, cf. Helga Spindler: Archived copy ( memento of the original from September 29, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. s. literature @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  38. ^ A b Daniel Bieber, Volker Hielscher, Peter Ochs, Christine Schwarz, Gerd Bender: Organizational restructuring of the Federal Employment Agency. Evaluation of the measures to implement the Hartz Commission's proposals.
  39. Dorothee Fetzer: Persecution, harassment and violations of the private and intimate sphere: [8] p. 31.
  40. Bertelsmann Stiftung u. a. (Ed.): Handbook of advice and integration. Encouraging and demanding - integration strategies in employment promotion. Gütersloh 2002, p. 17.
  41. a b Helga Spindler: Archived copy ( memento of the original from September 29, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. s. literature @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  42. H. Genz / A. Schwendy: At the heart of the Hartz reform: Case management - Are the unemployed 's chances wasted? In: Theory and Practice of Social Work, 2004, p. 10.
  43. Gert Wagner: Conclusion from a scientific point of view. In: E. Jahn / E. Wiedemann (Ed.): Employment Promotion in the Low Wage Sector , Contribution AB 272, 2003; See also handbook advice (note 21) best practice case study for strategy B, p. 122.
  44. Peter Barthelheimer (2006): Where the customer is not king. In: Specialist conferences Network SGB II. Employment Policy Association: communal e. V. Offenbach 2006 (online): Symposium Network SGB II. Employment Policy Association: communal e. V. Offenbach 2006.
  45. View of WP employees, reputable source is desirable
  46. Entry formula of the Social Welfare Data Comparison Ordinance (SozhiDAV)