Treaty of Speyer
The Treaty of Speyer was signed at the Diet of Speyer in 1570 between Johann II Sigismund Zápolya of Transylvania and Emperor Maximilian II .
Johann Sigismund Zápolya ruled the Transylvanian part of Hungary and was allied with the Ottomans . After the death of Emperor Ferdinand in 1564, he took the opportunity to take action against the Habsburgs in Hungary. Initially he was successful, but was pushed back by the imperial troops under the leadership of Maximilian II, which caused the Ottomans to intervene on the part of his ally. Sultan Suleyman I died during the siege of Szigetvár on September 5, 1566. In the following year, neither side could achieve any significant successes. Maximilian therefore concluded the Peace of Adrianople with Sultan Selim II in 1568 , which confirmed the mutual ownership of land and recognized Zápolya as the prince of Transylvania. The emperor had to agree to an annual tribute of 30,000 ducats.
Content of the contract
Johann Sigismund sent his treasurer Gáspár Bekes as envoy to the Speyer Reichstag. There negotiated the contract in which Johann renounced the Hungarian royal title . From then on he referred to himself as Prince Johann Sigismund "Transilvaniae et partium regni Hungariae princeps" (" Prince of Transylvania and parts of the Kingdom of Hungary"). The prince recognized the emperor or the Hungarian king as superior. The affiliation of Transylvania and the Partes (the "Partium") to the Kingdom of Hungary was confirmed. In return, the Emperor confirmed Transylvania (with the Partes) and the Estates all privileges. The rule of Transylvania was confirmed to the Transylvanian prince. He kept Bihar with the Great Oradine Castle, the counties Kraszna and Szolnok (with Cseh) and the county of Maramaros . Sigismund ceded his current possessions in the counties of Bereg , Ugocsa , Szabolcs and Szatmár to the emperor. The emperor gave back the city of Tasnád . In the event that Transylvania fell to the emperor, it would retain its privileges and freedoms. Ultimately, a secret pact of assistance was concluded against the Ottoman Empire and "against the enemies of Christianity".
Happened after the conclusion of the contract
Johann II. Sigismund Zápolya died on March 14, 1571, shortly after the Treaty of Speyer was ratified. His successor as Prince of Transylvania, Sigismund Báthory von Somlyo, ceded the land to the ore house of Austria in 1598 in exchange for the Silesian duchies of Opole and Ratibor.
Web links
- Treaty of Speyer in the database of European pre-modern peace treaties of the Leibniz Institute for European History
Individual evidence
- ↑ Horst Rabe: Empire and religious split. Germany 1500–1600 . Munich 1989, p. 309.
- ↑ Boris Kálnoky, Szigetvár: Suleyman's heart sought, an entire city found. In: . September 25, 2013, accessed January 13, 2018 .
- ↑ Partium is the genitive plural of the Latin word pars = part, which means “of parts”. It designates a number of Central Eastern Hungarian counties on the other side of the Tisza . The term was used for this part of old Hungary, which today belongs to Romania.
- ↑ Bohemian Landtafel Hall Books, Volume XII b. 1060 BC