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The vestibule ( Latin for "forecourt" or "free space in front of the house") is called

  • in Roman houses a small forecourt or the entrance area, from which the vestibule developed ;
  • in biology
    • a genital pouch that surrounds the ovipositor (egg-laying apparatus) in insects;
    • the mouth funnel of many ciliates (Chilophora);
  • in anatomy
    • part of the organ of equilibrium , the vestibular apparatus
    • an abbreviation for vestibulum oris , the oral vestibule , see oral cavity ;
    • an abbreviation for vestibulum nasi , the nasal vestibule , see nose ;
    • an abbreviation for vestibulum vaginae , the vaginal vestibule
    • Vestibulum aortae (Sinus aortae Valsalvae, Bulbus aortae), see Aorta
    • Vestibulum bursae omentalis (vestibule of the bursa omentalis), see omentum majus
    • Vestibulum gastro-oesophageal , so-called forestomach:
    • Vestibulum pyloricum , the "gatekeeper's cavity" ( antrum pyloricum ) of the stomach, see stomach
    • Vestibulum laryngis (upper part of the interior of the larynx )
    • Vestibulum labyrinthi ossei (part of the bony inner ear labyrinth ), see inner ear

See also: