Victor Langer (composer, 1842)

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Victor Langer (also: Viktor Langer ; born December 14, 1842 in Pest , Austrian Empire , † March 19, 1902 in Budapest ) was a Hungarian composer and conductor.


The son of a singing teacher studied at the Leipzig Conservatory with Carl Reinecke and Moritz Hauptmann and in Budapest with Robert Volkmann . As a student he composed an overture for large orchestra, which was performed at the annual public concerts of the students. After his return to Hungary he belonged to the circle of friends around Franz Liszt , in whose works he valued both the cosmopolitan and the national Hungarian traits. As a music critic, he campaigned for the works of Richard Wagner in Hungarian magazines .

Langer composed songs under the pseudonym Ogyck and piano arrangements of popular Hungarian songs, dances and marches (including "Pearls from Hungarian Folk Songs") under the pseudonym Tisza Aladár . Stylistically, he was influenced by Liszt, Wagner and Schumann .


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Individual evidence

  1. Robert Musiol: Viktor Langer †. In: New magazine for music . 69th vol. 98, 1902, p. 239 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive )