Viktor Cathrein

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Viktor Cathrein (born May 8, 1845 in Brig , Canton Valais ; † September 10, 1931 in Aachen ) was a Swiss-German moral and legal philosopher and priest of the Societas Jesu (SJ). Initially (and later on more explosive topics) he published under the pseudonym N. (for Nikolaus) Siegfried.


The son of a governor from Upper Valais, born before the Sonderbund War and the founding of the Swiss state, went to a Jesuit settlement in Germany (Gorheim near Sigmaringen , Baden-Württemberg) before he came of age . In the Franco-German war he did hospital service . During the Kulturkampf he had to leave Germany in 1872 because of the order's prohibition. At Ditton Hall College, Widnes near Liverpool, he studied theology (1874–1878).

In 1877 he was ordained a priest - late because of the studies customary in the order. He was used to teach the younger generation and gave his lectures (as was customary in the order at that time) in Latin. He presented the results of his studies in England on the English constitution in 1881, followed a year later by the collection of files from the Kulturkampf in Prussia , immediately of great importance and an important collection of sources to this day.

Then he became editor of the cultural magazine Voices from Maria Laach . Beginning entirely in the traditional system - and remaining in it - he dealt with the burning questions of law, economy, peace and equality. His Thomistic theology, which he also mastered in its finesse, thus became the framework for current practical problems. He stayed in a non-pluralistic world and yet kept coming up with topics relevant to the time.

After a long life in which he was mainly allowed to devote himself to scientific writing (as a scriptor ), because his order released him from all teaching duties, he died shortly before the Nazis came to power in Germany. His last work was devoted to the relationship between socialism and Christianity and - joy.

Konrad Farner , his compatriot, saved some of his questions in the 1968 discussions: with his theology of communism .


  • The English Constitution. A sketch of legal history, (15th supplement to the “Voices from Maria-Lach”) 1881
  • (N. Siegfried :) Pieces of files concerning the Prussian Culturkampf, Freiburg 1882
  • The moral doctrine of Darwinism. A Critique of Herbert Spencer's Ethics. (15th supplement to the “Voices from Maria-Lach”) Freiburg Brsg: Herder 1885
  • Private property in the light of natural law. In: Voices from Maria-Laach 33 (1887) 472 - 481.
  • Private property and the social need of the present. In: Voices from Maria-Laach 33 (1887) 225 - 238.
  • The ius gentium in Roman law and in St. Thomas Aquinas. Yearbook of the Görres Society 11. Cologne 1889.
  • Jus gentium in Roman law and in St. Thomas Aquinas. (In: Philos. Yearbook II, 1889)
  • Socialism: An Examination of Its Foundations and Feasibility. 10th, significantly revised and enlarged edition. 1910 . First edition Freiburg 1890. 9th edition 1906. Freiburg i. Br .: Herder 10th edition 1910. 12th and 13th editions (26 to 29 thousand) 1920. 16th edition 1923 (many translations)
  • Moral philosophy. A scientific exposition of the moral, including the legal, order. 1890. 2 volumes. Volume 1 ( General Moral Philosophy ), 4th edition 1904 , Volume 2 ( Special Moralphilosophy ), 4th edition 1904 , Herdersche Verlagshandlung, Freiburg i. Brsg. 1890-1891.
  • Private property and its opponents. A critical examination of the agrarian socialist theories of Emile de Laveleye and Henry Georg. In: The social question illuminated by the "Voices from Maria-Laach", volume 5. Freiburg 1892. 3rd edition, Freiburg i. Br. 1896.
  • Philosophia moralis (in usum scholarum). 5th edition 1895 (first edition: Freiburg 1893, 21st edition 1959)
  • Siegfried, Nikolaus (= Viktor Cathrein): Through atheism to anarchism. An instructive picture of contemporary university life. To everyone who is dear to their Christianity, but especially to the aspiring academics. Herdersche Verlagshandlung, Freiburg im Breisgau 1895; 2nd, expanded edition ibid.
  • Legal positivism and social democracy. In: Voices from Maria-Laach 50 (1896) 249 - 261.
  • Right-wing socialism. In: Voices from Maria-Laach 54 (1898) 237 - 252.
  • Real-scientific religion and morality. In: Voices from Maria-Laach 57 (1899) 363 - 379.
  • Religion and Morality or Is There Morality Without God? (1900)
  • Religion in morality or is there a morality without religion? 2nd, increased edition. Herdersche Verlagshandlung, Freiburg im Breisgau 1906
  • The participation of women in working life. In: Voices from Maria-Laach 59, 1900, 26 - 43.
  • The moral autonomy. In: Voices from Maria-Laach 58 (1900) 129 - 140.
  • Women's studies. In: Voices from Maria-Laach 59 (1900) 369-382
  • Law, natural law and positive law. A critical examination of the basic concepts of the legal system. 1901; 2nd, considerably increased edition. Herdersche Verlagshandlung, Freiburg im Breisgau 1910.
  • The modern evolutionist worldview in its consequences. In: Voices from Maria-Laach 64 (1903) 164 - 182.
  • Belief and knowledge. An orientation in several basic religious problems of the present for all educated people. 2nd and 3rd edition. Herdersche Verlagshandlung, Freiburg im Breisgau 1903
  • Philosophia moralis II. 1899. 4th edition, Freiburg i. Br. 1904.
  • Materialism and social democracy. In: Voices from Maria-Laach 70 (1906) 31 - 50.
  • Catholic Morals in their Presuppositions and Basics, 1907
  • The social democratic family of the future. In: Voices from Maria-Laach 72 (1907) 263 - 280, 380 - 400.
  • Christianity and Socialism. In: Voices from Maria-Laach 77 (1909) 255 - 273
  • Private property and its opponents: A critical examination of the agrarian socialist theories of Émile Louis Victor de Laveleye and Henry George , 1909
  • The question of women. In: The social question illuminated by the "Voices from Maria-Laach", No. 17. Freiburg im Breisgau 1901, 5th edition, ibid. 1909
  • Natural law and positive law. 2nd edition, Freiburg i. Br. 1909
  • The unity of the moral consciousness of mankind, 3 volumes, Freiburg 1914
  • The Basis of International Law, 1918
  • The promises of the divine heart: With. e. short introductory in d. Essence and exercise d. Sacred Heart Devotion. 1919
  • Christian humility: a booklet for all educated people. 1919
  • The Catholic worldview in its basic lines with special consideration of morality. An apologetic guide to the great questions of life for all educated people. Herdersche Verlagshandlung, Freiburg im Breisgau 1908 (further edition 1921)
  • The Third International, 1921
  • De bonitate et malitia actuum humanorum doctrina s. Thomae Aquinatis: brevis commentarius in Summae theol. 1. 2, q. 18am ad q. 21am, 1926
  • Socialism and catholicism. 1930
  • Lust and joy, their essence and their moral character. 1931
