Culture magazine

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A cultural magazine is a periodical that covers a wide range of cultural topics. This includes various arts, but also other topics that deal with the intellectual achievements of a society. Cultural journals can have different focuses, contain information and reviews , essays and discussions, or scientific articles.

German-language cultural magazines

The number of German cultural magazines has fallen sharply (for example, Westermann's monthly magazines , Die Tat , Das Tag-Buch , Die Weltbühne , the Frankfurter Hefte , The Month , Hochland or the Düsseldorf Debate are no longer published); In 2008 the Kursbuch magazine was also discontinued, but Merkur , Lettre International and the Voices of Time still exist . Its function as a forum for intellectual debates is fulfilled to a greater extent by the - compared to the cultural magazines - the more topical feature sections of the major national daily newspapers (especially Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , Süddeutsche Zeitung , Neue Zürcher Zeitung ) and weekly newspapers (especially Die Zeit ) as well as the cultural sections of the political Magazines like Der Spiegel or Focus . In August 2011, Murmann Verlag, Hamburg, acquired all rights to the course book, which has been published again since February 2012 - with three annual editions.


Weimar Republic

The three most important cultural journals of the Weimar Republic were:

  • The Weltbühne , formerly Die Schaubühne , was founded in 1905 by Siegfried Jacobsohn , renamed in 1918, for whom Kurt Tucholsky wrote around 1,500 articles, among others , he wrote mostly under the following pseudonyms: Kaspar Hauser, Peter Panter or Theobald Tiger. After Jacobsohn's death, Tucholsky took over the editor-in-chief for a short time, then was replaced by the Nobel Prize winner (1936) Carl von Ossietzky . Von Ossietzky had to go to prison for about three years because of an article he published by Walter Kreiser in the Weltbühne about arming the Reichswehr. The magazine published around 27,000 pages a year and was politically left-wing.
  • Das Tages-Buch : This magazine was very similar to the Weltbühne in terms of the choice of topics, the design and the frequency of publication and also became its biggest competitor. The " journalists " of the two magazines largely overlapped or even rotated. Only the political direction was more bourgeois, more conservative. Famous authors were Bert Brecht , Alfred Döblin , Erich Kästner , as well as the later Federal Chancellor Ludwig Erhard .
  • The fact : this magazine was published by Eugen-Diederichs Verlag from 1912. However, it was nowhere near as successful as its two competitors. At the end of the 20s, a change in the editor-in-chief , Hans Zehrer took over the post, led to a change in political direction, right-wing conservative intellectuals were now served.

National Socialism

After 1945

After the Second World War, new cultural magazines came onto the market:

  • The Frankfurter Hefte (1946–1985): Catholic and at the same time politically left-wing, merged in 1985 with the “Neue Gesellschaft”, the SPD's unofficial cultural magazine . At its peak in 1948, it had a circulation of over 75,000 copies.

There are many magazines with cultural topics - but they are mostly devoted to a certain topic of culture: the fine arts, architecture, literature, theater, music etc. There are only a few (all with small editions) that want to write about all areas of cultural life, about culture in general, such as B. Lettre International , Voices of Time , You , Schöngeist (ApoDion Verlag), Der Kultur-Herold or Monopol . In the last few years some online magazines have emerged that make this general claim, such as: A Vela or Parapluie .

The stage in Austria takes a special route , with a comparatively very high circulation of 67,000 copies. Although the stage is also available in stores, it is largely sold in combination with theater subscriptions - an early example of relationship marketing in the cultural sector.

International cultural magazines

The United States has the largest number of cultural magazines. The most famous weekly magazine is The New Yorker . It contains comments and reports on various cultural and political topics, including international ones. There you can find articles on film and theater, music, literature and the visual arts. Several times a year there are additional issues devoted to a specific area, such as music.

Even more traditional and more serious in tone is Harper's Magazine , a monthly magazine that has been published since 1850. It contains essays and articles on topics of culture, politics and science, reports and book reviews at a very high level.

The world's most important periodical on literature is the New York Review of Books , which appears 20 times a year. The books dealt with there range from poetry to art, from history to science. With that it can be seen as a magazine about culture in general. Their peculiarity is that several books on one topic are often discussed in one article.

See also


  • Fischer, Ernst; Haefs, Wilhelm; Mix, York-Gothart (Ed.): From Almanach to Newspaper. A handbook of the media in Germany 1700–1800. Munich. Verlag CH Beck 1999. ISBN 3406454763
  • Stöber, Rudolf: German press history. Constancy. UVK Verlagsgesellschaft 2005. ISBN 3825227162