Viktoria Schmid

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Viktoria Schmid (* 26. January 1969 in Buhl as Viktoria Stavenhagen ) is a German politician ( CDU ). In the constituent session of the 15th Baden-Württemberg State Parliament on May 3, 2011, Viktoria Schmid from Niefern-Öschelbronn was sworn in as a member of the Enz constituency , to which she belonged until 2016.

Personal Information

Viktoria Schmid was born on January 26, 1969 in Bühl (Baden) as the daughter of Lutz Stavenhagen . She is Protestant, married and has three children.

Education, career, professional functions

Schmid graduated from high school in 1989 at the business school in Pforzheim . From 1989 to 1992 she did a commercial apprenticeship as a travel agent in Mannheim, after which she took up a degree in political and administrative sciences at the Fernuniversität Hagen, which she did not graduate. She also worked as a freelance journalist from 1999 to 2011.

Political functions

In 1986 Schmid became a member of the CDU at the age of 14. Schmid is currently chairwoman of the Niefern-Öschelbronn community association and a member of the district board of the CDU Enzkreis / Pforzheim . Since 2009 she has also been a member of the Niefern-Öschelbronn municipal council. In the state elections in Baden-Württemberg in 2011 , Schmid won the direct mandate in the state constituency of Enz and five years in the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg . As a member of the state parliament, she was a member of the science committee and deputy chairperson of the committee for schools, youth and sport.

More functions:

  • Deputy Chairwoman of the Education Working Group of the CDU Enzkreis / Pforzheim
  • Deputy chairwoman of the local political association of the CDU Enzkreis / Pforzheim
  • Member of the district board of the evangelical working group of the CDU Enzkreis / Pforzheim
  • Member of the SME association of the CDU Enzkreis / Pforzheim
  • Member of the district board of the CDU Women's Union in Enzkreis / Pforzheim
  • Member of the district board of the Frauen Union Nordbaden
  • Member of the district board of the CDU North Baden

In the state elections in Baden-Württemberg in 2016 , however, she lost the direct mandate to Stefanie Seemann from the GREEN; Since her percentage result in the second count was below that of most of the other CDU constituency candidates in Baden-Württemberg, she missed re-entry into the state parliament.

Other functions and memberships

  • Member of the Board of Trustees of the State Center for Political Education

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Members watch . Retrieved April 11, 2016 .