Villa Mercedes

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Villa Mercedes
Basic data
location 33 ° 41 ′  S , 65 ° 28 ′  W Coordinates: 33 ° 41 ′  S , 65 ° 28 ′  W
Height above d. M .: 512  m
Population (2010): 111.391
Province : San LuisSan Luis San Luis
Department : General Pedernera
Mayor: Blanca Renée Pereyra, PJ
Postal code : D5730
Telephone code: 02657
Villa Mercedes website

Villa Mercedes is the capital of the General Pedernera Department in the east of the San Luis Province in western Argentina . It has 111,391 inhabitants (2010), making it the second largest city in the province.


The city is located on the Río Quinto ( Spanish for "Fifth River"), which was so named by the Spaniards who came from the north when they met a river for the fifth time. The Sierra de los Comechingones mountain range begins just a few kilometers north of the city . South of the Río Quinto, the topography of the country is flat and has a pampan character.


In 1856 a fortress called Fortín Constitucional was founded in the area of ​​the present city to stand up to the Ranqueles Indians advancing from the south . In 1861 the place was called Villa Mercedes. After the destruction of the indigenous population by Julio Argentino Roca , the place began a slow growth from 1880. It was not until the 1970s that the population exploded thanks to a law that encouraged the settlement of industries in structurally weak areas - like San Luis at the time.


Two monumental buildings from the turn of the century around 1900 are worth seeing: the Escuela Normal Mixta and the Colegio Nacional . The town hall is designed in the Art Deco style. The city park is located directly on the Río Quinto .


Villa Mercedes was originally characterized by agriculture and agro-industrial. Since the 1970s, however, it has become a center of various industries that settled here as part of the special economic regulation for structurally weak regions and rapidly accelerated the development of the city's economy.

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