Villa Rustica (Lussas-et-Nontronneau)

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The Villa Rustica of Lussas-et-Nontronneau is the remains of a Roman country estate in Lussas-et-Nontronneau in the Dordogne department , France . The site has been inscribed as a Monument historique since December 21, 1984 .


The field with the remains of Villa Rustica

The site can be reached via a local road that branches off to the left at the hamlet of Villejalet from the D 75 from Nontron to Javerlhac . It is located at around 180 meters above sea level, around 50 meters to the right in a field immediately before reaching the village of Nontronneau .


The site forms part of an alluvial plateau above the Bandiattal , which drains to the northwest , on the left side of the valley. In deeper underground recrystallized here are limestones of the Dogger on, but of colluvial the old rites of the last two glaciations Pleistocene be masked.


Villa Rustica was discovered in 1967 during a period of drought. Large parts of the villa were excavated between 1970 and 1984 under the direction of L. Le Cam. Another excavation campaign took place between 2002 and 2005.


The remains cover an area of ​​around 3600 square meters. The center of the complex is a large peristyle . In the west there is a group of rooms with an atrium in the middle. In the north and east, rows of state rooms and reception rooms adjoin the peristyle. At the north-west corner there is a bath (thermal baths) as an independent building complex. Two rooms had hypocausts . A relief was also discovered here that shows two deer between two trees. The villa was inhabited from the first to the middle of the third century.

There are three construction phases:

  • original edifice under the Flavians (69 to 96)
  • first expansion in the 2nd century
  • second extension in the middle of the 3rd century , construction of the bath.

Current condition

Apparently no funds were available to build a protective structure over the facility. In addition, the Gallo-Roman villa complex near Nontronneau is privately owned and so it was covered with sand again after the end of the research campaign in order to guarantee conservation. The system is currently in a deplorable condition, only a few stumps of the wall protrude from the overburden.


  • Hervé Gaillard: La Dordogne (= Carte archaeologique de la Gaule 24/1), Paris 1996, ISBN 2-87754-051-0 , pp. 146–151.

Individual evidence

  1. Gwénaëlle Marchet-Legendre: lussas-et-nontronneau. Champs de Nontronneau . In: Quoi de neuf chez les Pérucores? Dix ans d'archéologie en Périgord gallo-romain. Fanlac, 2013, ISBN 978-2-86577-278-0 , pp. 73-75 .

Coordinates: 45 ° 31 ′ 53 ″  N , 0 ° 36 ′ 33 ″  E