Vindegga (Wohlthatmassiv)

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location Queen Maud Land , East Antarctica
part of Well-being, massive
Vindegga (Antarctica)
Coordinates 71 ° 51 ′  S , 11 ° 19 ′  E Coordinates: 71 ° 51 ′  S , 11 ° 19 ′  E

The Vindegga (Norwegian for ridge of the wind ) is a prominent mountain ridge in Queen Maud's East Antarctica . In the Alexander von Humboldt Mountains of the Wohlthat massif, it rises south of the Vindegghallet glacier and 1.5 km south of the Abolin Rock .

He was discovered and photographed during the German Antarctic Expedition (1938–1939) under the direction of polar explorer Alfred Ritscher . Norwegian cartographers, who also named it, mapped it on the basis of measurements and aerial photographs of the Third Norwegian Antarctic Expedition (1956–1960).

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