Violante do Céu

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Soror Violante do Céu (Violante from Heaven), OP , bourgeois Violante Montesino , (* 1601 in Lisbon , Portugal ; † 1693 ibid) was a Portuguese nun and poet. She is regarded as the great female voice of Portuguese baroque poetry and the spiritual poetry of her country.

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Violante Montesino - that's her real name - wrote a comedy at the age of 17 during a visit by Spain's King Philip III. in Lisbon. In 1630 she joined the order of the Dominican Sisters in the convent of Nossa Senhora do Rosario in Lisbon and from then on led a monastic and spiritual life.

Soror (sister) Violante wrote an enormous amount of poetry, which was first printed as a stand-alone poetry in 1630 in Rouen , France . This made her one of the great spiritual poets in Portugal alongside Agostinho da Cruz and others. Her sonnets are also important for the Baroque era . Further verses appeared in anthologies such as the Parnasso Literatura de divinos e humans versos , 1733 posthumously or in Decima Musa de Fenix ​​dos Engenho Lusitano .

She died very old in 1693 in Lisbon.


  • Rimas Varias, 1646, printed in Rouen.


  • Nieves Baranda Leturio: Violante do Céu y los avatares politicos de la Restauração . In: Iberoamericana , ISSN  2255-520X , Vol. 7, No. 28 (2007), pp. 137-150.
  • María Dolores Martos Pérez: La enunciación lírica en las Rimas varias (1646) de sor Violante do Céu . In: Nieves Baranda Leturio, María Carmen Marín Pina (ed.): Letras en la celda. Cultura escrita de los conventos femeninos en la España moderna . Vervuert, Frankfurt am Main 2014, ISBN 978-84-8489-788-0 , pp. 423-438.
  • Victor Julio Rojas: Vida y obra de Violante do Céu . Bloomington, 1975.
