Vita Godehardi

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The Hildesheim cathedral canon Wolfhere wrote two vitae (life descriptions) of Bishop Godehard of Hildesheim between 1022 and 1038 , which he referred to as Vita Godehardi . The first, the Vita Godehardi episcopi prior ( earlier biography of Bishop Godehard ), was written around 1034 for Abbot Ratmund von Niederaltaich, the second, the " Vita posterior Godehardi episcopi " ( later biography of Bishop Godehard) , which is available in the autograph , soon after Completed in 1054 for Abbot Adalbert von St. Michael in Hildesheim. In chronological and textual terms, Wolfheres Vita Godehardi is a continuation of Thangmar's Vita Bernwardi .


  1. 1027-1049
  2. 1030-1054

Text output


  • Stephanie Haarländer : Vitae episcoporum. A genre of sources between hagiography and historiography, examined using biographies of bishops of the Regnum Teutonicum in the age of the Ottonians and Salians (monographs on the history of the Middle Ages 47). Stuttgart 2000
  • Max Manitius : History of Latin Literature in the Middle Ages . Volume 2. From the middle of the tenth century to the outbreak of the struggle between church and state . Munich 1923, pp. 313-317

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