Vladimír Blažka

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Vladimír Blažka (born December 12, 1920 in Olešnice na Moravě , † April 14, 1945 in Brno ) was a member of the illegal group Předvoj participant of the resistance 1939-1945 against the occupation of Czechoslovakia . Together with his cousin Alois Bauer , he carried out the attack on August Gölzer . August Gölzer , a representative of the occupying power in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia , was the second highest SS officer after Reinhard Heydrich to be assassinated in the Protectorate.


After a commercial apprenticeship and his private studies at a middle school, the general mobilization of 1938 was proclaimed in Czechoslovakia as a result of the Munich crisis . Blažka volunteered for the army. After the occupation of the country and the establishment of the Protectorate, he was assigned to do forced labor in Germany . He was deployed in Berlin and had to spend five months in Oranienburg concentration camp because of a " sabotage " ; other locations were, among others, Hamburg and Strasbourg, where he should be "retrained", as well as Vienna. From there he tried to get to a resistance group as a courier, but was arrested on the border with Croatia in January 1944 and interned in Marburg for five months. Since he did not reveal the purpose of his trip, he was sent to Dubnica nad Váhom in Slovakia to work. He fled the labor camp and in August 1944 joined a partisan group with which he participated in the Slovak insurgency of Brigadier General Ján Golian in the Slovak National Uprising . After the uprising was put down, he returned to Moravia, where he met his cousin Alois Bauer again in Brno on December 8, 1944, and with him in February 1945 he became a member of the Předvoj resistance group.

In Předvoj Blažka - just like his cousin Alois Bauer - according to some sources, was deployed in the operational defense group of Předvoj, in the so-called Národní revoluční armáda (NRA, National Revolutionary Army). Blažka's code name during his illegal activity was "poručík Poruba" (Lieutenant Poruba).

The attack in Brno

Shortly after joining the Předvoj resistance group, cousins ​​Bauer and Blažka attempted the assassination attempt on August Gölzer , a high-ranking SS Hauptsturmführer of the Gestapo in Brno. On the evening of February 7, 1945, they ambushed Gölzer in front of his house and fired four shots at him. The Gestapo immediately imposed a strict blackout on news. Gölzer was operated on, but died that same night. Only on March 22nd did the Gestapo manage to arrest the two resistance fighters. They were transferred to the Gestapo prison Kaunitz student dormitory (Kounicovy koleje). After lengthy and brutal interrogations, they were executed in a courtyard on April 14, 1945 (twelve days before the liberation of Brno) and buried in a mass grave in the city cemetery. After the end of the war, the bodies were exhumed and solemnly reburied.

The coverage of the attack was marginal due to the news blackout by the Gestapo, which prevented a proper reception. The exact circumstances are still in the dark. On the other hand, post-war communist research also showed no interest in the case, partly because a communist member of the resistance group was exposed as an informer.


Vladimír Blažka received the following honors:

  • Czechoslovak War Cross 1939 (in memoriam)
  • Odznak československého partyzána (in memoriam) (Badge of the Czechoslovak Partisan)
  • Záslužný kříž ministra obrany České republiky III. stupně (in memoriam) (Cross of Merit of the Defense Minister of the Czech Republic III.)

Vladimír Blažka's name can be found on a memorial to the victims of the World Wars in his birthplace, Olešnice na Moravě.

Individual evidence

  1. Pamětní kniha obce. Community chronicle of the town of Olešnice, online at: olesnice.cz/ , page 92
  2. a b Till Janzer: Resistance in the Protectorate: the unknown assassination attempt in Brno. Report by radio station Radio Praha from April 22, 2017, online at: radio.cz / ... (German)
  3. a b Jiří Skoupý: Případ zapomenutého atentátu. (The case of the forgotten assassination attempt), in: II. Světová. Extra Publishing, Prague 2016, 2016/4, ISSN 1805-0298, pp. 22-25, quoted. according to material from the Brno City Encyclopedia, online at (cache): encyklopedie.brna.cz / ... , page 2
  4. a b c Vladimír Blažka. Brief résumé of the Brno encyclopedia, online at: encyklopedie.brna.cz/...3541
  5. a b c David Hertl: Případ zapomenutého atentátu. (The Case of the Forgotten Assassination), broadcast by Český rozhlas from March 4, 2017, online at: plus.rozhlas.cz / ...
  6. a b Atentát na Augusta Gölzera v Brně. Material from the Brno City Encyclopedia, online at: encyklopedie.brna.cz / ...