Vladimir Ossipoff

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Vladimir "Val" Ossipoff (born November 25, 1907 in Vladivostok , Russian Empire , † October 1, 1998 in Honolulu , Hawaii ) was an American architect.


Vladimir Ossipoff, son of the Russian military attaché in Tokyo , emigrated to the USA in 1923. After studying architecture at the University of California, Berkeley , he opened his own studio in Hawaii in 1931.

With more than 1,000 completed projects, he was considered the leading representative of modernism in Hawaii and the Pacific region. He has received awards from the American Institute of Architects , among others .

Extensive retrospectives were shown in the Honolulu Academy of Arts (2007), as well as at the Yale School of Architecture in New Haven (Connecticut) (2008) and in the German Architecture Museum in Frankfurt am Main (2009).


  • Dean Sakamoto, Karla Britton, Diana Murphy: "Hawaiian Modern: The Architecture of Vladimir Ossipoff" , Honolulu Academy of Arts / Yale University Press 2008, ISBN 0-300-12146-6

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "Hawaii Moderne" , BauNetz , March 10, 2009