Voldemārs Lūsis

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Voldemārs Lūsis (born December 7, 1974 in Riga ) is a Latvian athlete who has been a javelin thrower since the late 1990s . However , he could not build on the successes of his father Jānis Lūsis and his mother Elvīra Ozoliņa .

Standing in the shadow of Ēriks Rags , he only won two national championships: 1998 (79.60 m) and 2003 (82.68 m).

Voldemārs Lūsis took part once in a European Championship ( 1998 in Budapest ), twice in a World Cup ( 2001 in Edmonton and 2003 in Paris ) and twice in the Olympic Games ( 2000 in Sydney and 2004 in Athens ) and achieved the following placements:

  • Budapest: 20th place (75.14 m)
  • Sydney: 18th place (80.08 m)
  • Edmonton: Participation in the finals. 11th place (79.70 m)
  • Paris: 18th place (75.15 m)
  • Athens: 17th place (79.27 m)

In addition, he represented his country at the final of the European Cup of the Second League in 2000 in Kaunas , where he was victorious with 81.09 m.

He was also able to place at the Bislett Games 2003. With 81.94 m he came in third behind Sergei Makarow (1st with 85.61 m) and Boris Henry (2nd with 84.51 m).

His personal best is 84.19 m from 2003.

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