Volker Bednara

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Volker Bednara (born May 20, 1945 in Seifhennersdorf ) is a German former colonel in the National People's Army . From 1987 to 1990 he was the commander of the 7th Panzer Division (NVA) .


Volker Bednara was born on May 20, 1945 in Seifhennersdorf. He graduated from advanced secondary school in 1963 with a high school diploma.

After joining the National People's Army (NVA), he went through basic military training and began studying at the officers' college of the land forces of the NVA in Löbau in September 1963 , which he completed in 1966 with the specialization of motor rifle commanders with the appointment of first officer rank. In the last academic year, 1965, he joined the SED . In the autumn of 1966 Bednara was employed in his first officer position as platoon leader in the motorized rifle company of the 16th Panzer Regiment at the Großenhain location . From 1968 to 1970 he led this unit as a company commander.

From 1970 to 1972 Bednara gained initial experience in staff work in preparation for studying abroad on the staff of the 7th Panzer Division in Dresden . From 1972 to 1976, after a year of preparation in the USSR, Volker Bednara completed the three-year direct study for troop commanders of the operational-tactical leadership level at the Soviet military academy M. W. Frunze in Moscow , which he graduated as a military scientist (Dipl.-Mil.) In 1976.

Bednara then continued his service in the 7th Panzer Division (7th PD) in various positions in the 7th Motorized Rifle Regiment (Marienberg location): as deputy to the commander and chief of staff MSR-7 (1975-1978) and as its regimental commander (1979 -1982).

In 1982 he was appointed to the position of deputy commander for training of the 11th Mot.-Rifle Division (11th MSD) - location of the staff in Halle (Saale) .

From 1984 to 1986 Bednara received an operational-strategic commander training course at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR in Moscow, which he graduated with a diploma in 1986.

After a year of service as deputy commander and chief of staff of the 7th Panzer Division, Bednara was deployed as its division commander from October 1, 1987.

After on 2/3 October 1990 the 7th PD of the National People's Army was integrated into the area of ​​the Commander Bundeswehrkommando Ost, Volker Bednara was temporarily employed in the Bundeswehr. In this function, in the course of establishing the unity of Germany after October 2, 1990, he handed over the large formation to the Bundeswehr together with the commanders and staff officers subordinate to him .

On December 31, 1990 Bednara was dismissed from employment and worked from 1991 to 2002 in a logistics company as managing director.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Klaus Froh, Rüdiger Wenzke: The generals and admirals of the NVA. A biographical manual . 4th edition. Ch. Links, Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-86153-209-3 .
  2. On October 7, 1969, the 16th Panzer Regiment received the traditional name "Leo Jogiches".