Volker Klimpel

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Volker Klimpel (* 1941 in Weimar ) is a German surgeon , medical historian and non-fiction author .

Live and act

Klimpel studied medicine at the Karl Marx University in Leipzig and the Medical Academy in Erfurt , where he was approved in 1967 and received his doctorate in 1969 with the thesis “The surgical treatment of mitral stenosis” under Eberhard Hasche . He received his surgical training from Gerhard Hasse in Eisenach and Werner Usbeck in Erfurt. In 1972 he was qualified as a specialist in surgery. After working in surgical clinics and polyclinics, Klimpel worked from 1984 to 1987 under Horst Rudolf Abe at the Department of History of Medicine at the Medical Academy in Erfurt . In 1990 he completed his habilitation under Günter Heidel at the Medical Academy Carl Gustav Carus in Dresden with the thesis "The Dresden Collegium medico-chirurgicum (1748-1813)" for the history of medicine. Heidel was the first to hold the chair for the history of medicine at the Medical Academy Carl Gustav Carus Dresden since 1987. Between 1991 and 2005, Volker Klimpel worked as an expert appraiser at the MDK Saxony.

His fields of work are the history of surgery, literature and medicine, local and personnel history and lexicography.

Volker Klimpel has been a co-author of the biographical encyclopedia on nursing history "Who is who in nursing history" since 2008 (Horst-Peter Wolff, succeeded by Hubert Kolling as editor).

Fonts (selection)

  • Surgical treatment of mitral stenosis: experiences with transventricular instrumental valve rupture. Erfurt 1969 (dissertation, Medical Academy Erfurt, 1969).
  • The Dresden Collegium medico-chirurgicum (1748–1813). Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main 1995, ISBN 3-631-48936-6 ( habilitation thesis , Medical Academy Dresden, 1990).
  • Dresden doctors. Hellerau, Dresden 1998.
  • Writers-doctors. Pressler, Hürtgenwald 1999.
  • Women of medicine. Pressler, Hürtgenwald 2001.
  • Famous Dresdeners. Hellerau, Dresden 2002.
  • Politicians-Doctors. Pressler, Hürtgenwald 2011.
  • Doctors deaths. Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2005.
  • Lexicon of foreign language writers-doctors. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2006.
  • Medical Dresden. Hellerau, Dresden 2009.
  • The healing Saxony. Hellerau, Dresden 2011.
  • Asklepios meets Calliope. Medical-literary encounters. WiKu, Cologne 2014.
  • Surgery in Dresden - highlights of its history. Kaden Verlag, Heidelberg 2017, ISBN 978-3-942825-47-4 .
  • In the orbit of power. Surgeons around Hitler , special print from Chirurgische Allgemeine, Kaden Heidelberg, Volume 18, Issue 6 (2017), pages 315–319.
  • Scalpel and Pen: Unknown and Forgotten Writer-Doctors. Weißensee, Berlin 2018. ISBN 978-3-89998-247-3 .


  • Introduced: Long-time authors of the "Ärzteblatt Sachsen" - Dr. med. habil. Volker Klimpel. Curriculum vitae . In: Ärzteblatt Sachsen I / 2015

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