Wladyslaw Tempka

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Zygmunt Skwirczyński : Władysław Tempka (1931)

Władysław Tempka (born August 22, 1889 in Kraków , Austria-Hungary ; died June 12, 1942 in Auschwitz concentration camp ) was a Polish lawyer and politician.


Władysław Tempka was a son of the civil servant Błażej Tempka and Helena Nowakowski, his siblings were the doctor Tadeusz Tempka (1885–1974) and the theater maker Zygmunt Tempka alias Nowakowski (1891–1963). Tempka studied law and received her doctorate.

In 1925 he went to Silesia , became a member of the Christian Democratic Polskie Stronnictwo Chrześcijańskiej Demokracji , later Stronnictwo Pracy (SP), and was the closest collaborator of the party chairman Wojciech Korfanty and opponent of the voivodship governor Michał Grażyński . Tempka was elected to the 2nd Sejm in 1928 and re-elected in 1930; he was a member of parliament until 1935.

After Korfanty had to leave the country in 1935, he continued the opposition work against the authoritarian Sanacja regime Józef Piłsudskis and Edward Rydz-Śmigłys . In 1937 he became a member of the main board of the SP.

After the German conquest of Poland, he headed the resistance group Komitet Wykonawczy SP . Tempka was arrested by the Gestapo in mid-1940 and shot in 1942 in the Auschwitz concentration camp during reprisal against the prisoners.

Fonts (selection)

  • Wł. Tempka, St. Szczepaniec, Marian Łodyński: Wojskowy Związek Rewolucyjny “Wolność” . Warsaw, 1935


  • S. Gajewski: Kto był kim w II RP . 1994, p. 455
  • M. Czajka, M. Kamler, W. Sienkiewicz: Leksykon historii Polski . 1995, p. 758
  • Henryk Przybylski : Dr Władysław Tempka, wybitny Chorzowianin , in: Zeszyty Chorzowskie , 1998 T.3 pp. 386–393

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The persecution and murder of European Jews by National Socialist Germany 1933–1945 , Volume 16, 2018, p. 187