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Original title Walaa!
Country of production Germany
original language Arabic , Hebrew , English
Publishing year 2013
length 70 minutes
Age rating FSK not specified
Director Noemi Schneider
script Noemi Schneider
production Mirko Schekatz
camera Susanne Kurz
cut Ulrike Tortora

Walaa Hussein

Walaa! is a documentary about the Israeli-Palestinian soccer player Walaa Hussein .


Walla Hussein, 23, who belongs to the Palestinian minority in Israel, is a successful soccer player in the Palestinian women's national team as well as in an Israeli league club. Mother and brother are critical of their lifestyle, but Walaa wants to play football. She has no husband and does not wear the headscarf. Walaa is accompanied during training, partying and long car journeys between the checkpoints.


"With her documentary, Noemi Schneider pays tribute to a young woman who demonstrates with her willpower that it is possible to realize oneself even under adverse circumstances."

- Paul Katzenberger : Süddeutsche Zeitung from November 19, 2014

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