Walter Beinzger

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Walter Beinzger (born July 10, 1889 in Buttelstedt , † after 1937) was a German National Socialist functionary. He was special commissioner for the Reichsbauernführer in insurance, later renamed special commissioner for insurance at the Reichsnährstand in Berlin and regional chairman in Weimar as well as a member of the Reichsbauernrat . He was editor of the magazine for animal insurance.


Walter Beinzger was the son of the farmer Max Beinzger from Buttelstedt in today's Thuringia and his wife Emma nee Röder. After attending the Higher Agricultural School in Bad Köstritz , Walter Beinzger took up economic and agricultural studies. He took part in numerous courses on economics, insurance and agriculture. He then became a civil servant in a large agricultural cooperative. From 1914 to 1916 Walter Beinzger took part in the First World War and after his return became department head in the Thuringian Food Office. In 1919 he became head of the administrative directorate of the Thuringian state institute for livestock insurance. After the " seizure of power " by the National Socialists in 1933, he was appointed regional chairman for the rural self-government of the Thuringia regional farmers' association. In October 1934 he was appointed special representative of the Reichsbauernführer in insurance.

He lived alternately in Berlin and Weimar.

Walter Beinzger had already joined the NSDAP in 1927 and had membership number 60,474. He had also been a member of the SS and was promoted to SS-Obersturmbannführer in 1937.


Walter Beinzger married Martha Luise Schmidt in Weimar in 1914. The marriage resulted in two sons and a daughter.

Fonts (selection)

  • The development of slaughter cattle insurance in Thuringia , Jena 1926.
  • Guide to the use of bookkeeping for smaller cattle insurance associations , Weimar [1926].
  • Animal life insurance through smaller associations , Leipzig 1936.
  • Articles of Association and General Insurance Conditions for the Animal Insurance Association a. G. , [Berlin] [1937].


Individual evidence

  1. SS list of seniority, status: October 1934.
  2. Numery członków SS od 217 000 do 217 999.