Walter Goodfellow

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Walter Goodfellow (born 1866 ; died 1953 ) was a British ornithologist and expedition leader.

life and work

Walter Goodfellow was best known for his ornithological journeys and animal collections. His first expedition took him to Colombia and Ecuador from 1898 to 1899 , where he and his companion Claude Hamilton collected around 4,000 bellows of around 550 different species. In 1906 he discovered the Mikado pheasant ( Syrmaticus mikado ) on Formosa , now Taiwan, as a new species based on two tail feathers on the headdress of a local porter. The bird was first scientifically described in the same year by William Robert Ogilvie-Grant on the basis of the description of the pen, without the latter having seen the bird. From 1909 to 1911 Goodfellow led the ornithological expedition of the British Ornithologists' Union (BOU) to New Guinea . In 1936 he went on his last expedition to Melville Island .

Honors and Dedication Names

In 1912 Goodfellow received the British Ornithologists' Union Medal of Honor. His collection was taken over by the British Museum after his death .

Ernst Hartert named 1903 today in the genre Basilornis risen Star genus Goodfellowia and Apoia goodfellowi , today mostly as Gnome Brillenvogel ( Heleia goodfellowi classified) by Goodfellow. Ogilvie-Grant named after him in 1905 the slaty-Dschungelschnäpper ( Rhinomyias goodfellowi ) and the three-toed Kingfisher Ceyx goodfellowi (now a synonym for Philippines Kingfisher ( Ceyx Margarethä )), 1906 Taiwan Firecrest ( Regulis goodfellowi ) and 1907 the taxon Eos goodfellowi that today as Synonym of Red Lorikeet ( Eos bornea ) applies. In addition, several subspecies have also been named after Goodfellow.

Among the mammals, the Goodfellow tree kangaroo ( Dendrolagus goodfellowi ) from New Guinea and the Goodfellow crested rat ( Ctenomys goodfellowi ) from Bolivia are named after him by Oldfield Thomas .

supporting documents

  1. ^ A b "Goodfellow" In: Bo Beolens, Michael Grayson, Michael Watkins: The Eponym Dictionary of Mammals. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009; Pp. 170-171; ISBN 978-0-8018-9304-9 .
  2. ^ A b c "Goodfellow" In: Bo Beolens, Michael Watkins, Michael Grayson: The Eponym Dictionary of Birds. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2014; o. S.