Walter favor

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Walter Gunst (born February 23, 1900 , † after 1943 ) was a German SS functionary, most recently in the rank of SS standard leader .

Gunst, a trained house painter, had been a member of the NSDAP since 1926 (membership number 21,855) and had served himself in Leipzig from 1927 through the SA and from 1932 in the SS from Sturmführer to SS-Obersturmbannführer and commander of the SS-Standarte Elbe until 1934. He was known in Saxony as a brown bonze and a notorious drunkard. While his corruption and embezzlement initially ran through, the married family man of three eventually stumbled upon a sex affair that led to his impeachment in February 1936.

However, the SS did not want to do without the trained Reich speaker, merely demoted him and in September 1936 transferred him to the province of Freiburg as leader of the Black Forest SS Standard. Here he used his eloquence to raise funds for the SS Förderverein among other things with a lecture on: The Jew as a parasite in the life of the peoples . In doing so, he especially turned against sympathy for the decent Jews, because they were the cunning ones.

On the night of November 9-10, 1938, Gunst led, together with SA Brigadefuehrer Joachim Weist and Gestapo chief Karl Traub (1888–1945), the rioting of the Freiburg SA and SS units against the city's Jewish population during the Reichspogromnacht . Among other things, Gunst und Weist led the command that set the Freiburg synagogue on fire. Gunst was then involved in the subsequent deportation of the male Jews.

Because of his persistent binge drinking and his corruption, the Freiburg SS tried several times to get rid of favor. Finally, the SS in 1939 sent him as SS leader of the ethnic German self-protection in the German-occupied Poland . Ultimately, a relationship with a Polish woman and a random letter of complaint from a friend of Heinrich Himmler's fate, which led to his demotion and transfer to the Eastern Front. Since favor has been missing since 1943, he could not be prosecuted after the war.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Heiko Wegmann, Who was Walter Gunst ?, lecture on November 5th in the Breisgau-Geschichtsverein and Walter Gunst - leader of the Freiburg SS-Standarte Black Forest, 'brown bonze' and synagogue arsonist /2012-11-13-Invitation-Lecture-Gunst-BGV.pdf
  2. Heiko Wegmann: The night of fire 75 years ago, The SS and the Reichspogrom on November 9, 1938 in Freiburg ( html )
  3. Who was the synagogue arsonist Walter Gunst? Badische Zeitung of November 7, 2012 ( )