Walter Mosbach

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Walter Mosbach (born February 27, 1899 ; died 1971 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a German dentist and a victim of National Socialism .


Walter Mosbach took part in the First World War as a soldier and received the Iron Cross there. He later lived as a dentist in Frankfurt am Main . He was senior medical officer and school dentist until he was dismissed from these two offices as a Jew in 1933 under the law to restore the civil service . Due to his participation in the war, he was allowed to continue practicing as a dentist with his own practice until 1938. In 1938 he was arrested and imprisoned in the Buchenwald concentration camp , but was released six weeks later. His practice was closed, but he was allowed to continue working in another practice, although only treating Jews. His predecessor had been taken to a concentration camp.

In 1941 Mosbach was arrested again. He belonged to the Microscopic Association , a discussion group of opponents of the Nazi regime, to which the doctor Erna Oeser also belonged. The Gestapo accused him of listening to so-called English enemy broadcasts and of spreading their news in the association. In addition, he had spoken out against euthanasia in a letter to the Ministry of the Interior . After three and a half years in prison , he was taken to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, where his parents had already been murdered. Mosbach survived the concentration camp and was liberated in 1945 . The Soviet Army then briefly employed him as a doctor.

He then returned to Frankfurt. After he was initially assigned a practice, which he had to vacate after a lawsuit by the previous owner, he later built a new life in Alt-Fechenheim . He died in Frankfurt am Main in 1971. He testified as a witness in the first Auschwitz trial.

His fate was part of the memorandum Ärztliches Schicksal under Persecution from 1933 to 1945 in Frankfurt am Main and Offenbach . However, since the State Dental Association of Hesse refused to participate in the memorandum, the Hessian Medical Association stepped in for his biography .


  • Wolfgang Kirchhoff, Caris-Petra Heidel (Hrsg.): “… Totally done with National Socialism?” The never-ending history of dentistry under National Socialism . Mabuse-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2016, ISBN 978-3-938304-21-1 , p. 176-178 .
  • Siegmund Drexler, Siegmund Kalinski, Hans Mausbach: Medical fate under persecution, 1933–1945 in Frankfurt am Main and Offenbach. A memorandum . Ed .: State Medical Association Hessen. 2nd Edition. Verlag für Akademische Schriften VAS, Frankfurt a. M. 1990, ISBN 3-88864-025-3 , pp. 54 f .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Wolfgang Kirchhoff, Caris-Petra Heidel (ed.): “… Totally finished with National Socialism?” The never-ending history of dentistry under National Socialism . Mabuse-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2016, ISBN 978-3-938304-21-1 , p. 176-178 .
  2. Susanne Strasbourg (processing): Inventory 461: Public Prosecutor's Office at the Frankfurt am Main Regional Court criminal proceedings ./. Robert Mulka et al. a. (1st Auschwitz Trial) . Ed .: Hessisches Landesarchiv - Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv . Az. 4 Ks 2/63 HHStAW Dept. 461, No. 37638 / 1-456 ( PDF; 604 kB, accessed on March 6, 2017 ).