Walter Ruffler

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Walter Ruffler (* 1949 in Algermissen , a village in the Hildesheim district ) was a member of the Bremen parliament from 1991 to 1995 .

After studying to become a teacher in Frankfurt am Main and Mainz , he moved to Bremen in 1978 and worked as a teacher in a trade union training facility. He became a member of the newly formed party Die Grünen and soon stood as a candidate for the citizenship elections, in which this party entered a German state parliament for the first time in 1979 . As a member of a citizens' initiative , he tried to preserve parts of the old hydropower plant in Bremen , which was threatened with demolition, for an industrial museum. After 15 years, however, he left the party again. In 2010, he founded a citizens' initiative that strives for increased protection against railway noise in Bremen and is on the road all over Germany with this topic.


Individual evidence

  1. Self-presentation on his homepage
  2. Mini-Museum at the Weser Weir? , Report in the Weser-Kurier from April 25, 2010
  3. "The noise bothers you" , interview in the taz
  4. Railway noise is up for discussion , report in Weser-Kurier from January 6, 2011